epochdate is a small library for storing contemporary dates (without time-of-day information) in 2 bytes per date, instead of the 16-20 bytes that are used by a time.Time value from the Go standard library.
epochdate.Date is a uint16 value representing the number of days since Jan 1 1970. The maximum representable date is Jun 6 2149. Arithmetical operations react predictably.
import (
var (
today = epochdate.Today()
yesterday = today - 1
tomorrow = today + 1
fortnight = today + 7*2
assert := func(condition bool) { if !condition { panic("assertion failed") } }
d1, _ := epochdate.Parse(epochdate.RFC3339, "2012-03-10")
d2, _ := epochdate.NewFromDate(2012, 3, 10)
assert(d1 == d2)
times := []string{
// Any time of the same day forms an equivalent epochdate value
// And this is relative to location -- even locations that are
// 26 hours apart (politics) will result in the same epochdate value
// (in each location, the date at the given instant *is* 2012-03-10)
for _, str := range times {
t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, str)
d, _ := epochdate.NewFromTime(t)
assert(d == d1)
t1, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2012-03-10T00:00:00-12:00")
t2, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2012-03-10T00:00:00+14:00")
d1, _ := epochdate.NewFromUnix(t1.Unix())
d2, _ := epochdate.NewFromUnix(t2.Unix())
// t1.Unix() returns seconds since the Unix epoch relative to UTC!
// Because t1 and t2 represent very different time instants
// (26 hours apart), don't expect passing those timestamps to NewFromUnix
// to result in the same date; unless you know what you're doing, use the
// other "New" functions instead, which normalize timezones.
assert(d1 != d2)
var (
d, _ = epochdate.Parse(epochdate.RFC3339, "2012-03-10")
t, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2012-03-10T00:00:00Z")
year1, month1, day1 = d.Date()
year2, month2, day2 = t.Date()
assert(year1 == year2 && month1 == month2 && day1 == day2)
assert(t.Equal(d.UTC()) == true)
// epochdate's Local and In methods return times adjusted to midnight on
// that date in the given timezone.
assert(t.Equal(d.Local()) == false)
// So if you want the local time at the instant that it was midnight on
// that date relative to UTC, do d.UTC().Local(). Conversely, the UTC time
// at the instant that it was midnight on the given date in the local
// timezone is expressed as: d.Local().UTC()
// Date values print nicely
assert(d.String() == "2012-03-10")