- i3-gaps — A fork of tiling window manager for
⚙️ - i3lock-color — The world's most popular non-default computer lockscreen 💾
- i3blocks — A feed generator for text based status bars ⚙️
- Polybar — A fast and easy-to-use status bar ⚙️
- Picom — A lightweight compositor for
⚙️ - Rofi — A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement ⚙️
- Dunst — A lightweight replacement for the notification daemons ⚙️
- Redshift — A tool that is used to adjust the color temperature of the screen ⚙️
- nitrogen — A background browser and setter for X
- Icon themes:
- Wallpapers:
- Fonts:
- JetBrains Mono
- Awesome (icon glyphs)
- Droid Sans
- Iosevka
- Terminal Apps & Prompts:
- neofetch — A command-line system information tool
- Starship — The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell ⚙️
- snixembed — proxy StatusNotifierItems as XEmbedded systemtray-spec icons
- Utilities:
- xrandr
- feh (alternative for setting a wallpapers)
- setxkbmap
- numlockx
- xcursorgen
- xprop
- Xdotool
- Gawk
- GNU coreutils
- i3
- i3lock-color
- dmenu
- Rofi
- Dunst
- GTK (include cursors)
- Starship
- Xresources
- Make @TODO list
- Analize possibility of usage
- Replace
Integrate with the GNOME Flashback session like in Regolith - Move to Zsh with syntax highlighting
- configure ^W behavior
- check autocompletions for bash (for example, eopkg)
- create script for auto-switching of keyboard layout (see i3ipc and xkb-switch)
- create script for auto-locking of a screen when PC is idle
- create the magnify (zoom) tool (like this)