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Command to quit miner on error #97

reb0rn21 opened this issue Jun 30, 2017 · 15 comments

Command to quit miner on error #97

reb0rn21 opened this issue Jun 30, 2017 · 15 comments


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If the mining card is OC-ed to the limit, miner just stop with some "cuda error" it would be nice to have command just to quit miner on error so we can use restart scrypt

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DLS-bau commented Jun 30, 2017

A much safer solution would be to have your restart script monitor the GPUs usage and restart the miner when any of the GPUs usage drops below 50% for several seconds. This is easily done on NVIDIA.

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@DLS-bau Do you have working example of a script? May be you can share with rest of us, thanks

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arensirb commented Jul 1, 2017

I think there should be an exit command regardless of error or not.. Press Q for example and it shuts down properly instead of just killing the process..
Killing the process actually screws up my system more than when it crashes..

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reb0rn21 commented Jul 5, 2017

Yeah command -k or so that will quit miner on any error, so simple batch loop will restart it, I use it for most miners

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reb0rn21 can you share a sample bat file for batch loop restart?

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goto loop

just disable widows error reporting, thats what I do

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Malapha commented Jul 18, 2017

see here [Issue 72] There are some solutions with batch, powershell or php available..

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AndreaLanfranchi commented Aug 16, 2017

My very basic (but effective) solution is to monitor the miner with a bash watchdog script.
You have to redirect ethminer output (stdout & stderr) to a log file and then run this script.

# Author: Andrea Lanfranchi
# Monitors ethminer output log in search of errors.
# If any is found in last 10 rows then mining rig is restarted
# Pre-requistes
# apt-get install inotify-tools

while inotifywait -e modify ~/miner.log > /dev/null 2>&1 ; do

  # Lookup last 10 rows of log file in search of errors
  # Feel free to integrate grep pattern or create more conditions
  if tail -n10 ~/miner.log | grep -io "cuda error\|error cuda"; then
	# Send mail
	echo "Miner requires restart due to error" | mail -s "Miner WatchDog Restart" prospector@localhost
	# Restart mining rig
	sudo /sbin/shutdown -f -r +2
	# Abandon WatchDog

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seymores commented Sep 4, 2017

Here's something I am using for my nvidia cards.
Feel free to modify it to your needs.



gpu0_ultilization=`nvidia-smi -i 0 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv,noheader,nounits`

if [ $gpu0_ultilization -lt 50 ]
  echo "[alert] GPU seems to be down, restarting."
  echo "Done restarting miner script, going to sleep now"
  echo "[info] All normal"

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I'm using this with nvidia cards and tmux:


NC='\033[0m' # no color

while true
    sleep $PROBE_DELAY
    power_draw=$(nvidia-smi --id=0 --query-gpu=power.draw --format=csv,noheader,nounits)
    if (( $(echo "$power_draw < $POWER_THRESHOLD" | bc -l) ))
      echo -ne " $RED$(date +'%H:%M')$NC " | tee -a $file
      tmux respawn-pane -k -t ethminer:0.0
      sleep $STARTUP_DELAY
      echo -ne "$(date +'%M') ${GREEN}$NC "

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ddobreff commented Sep 7, 2017

This method doesn't work everytime. If GPU fails nvidia-smi is executed in a loop without output. I am currently working on finding a better way to implement watchdog function.

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hcbraun commented Sep 7, 2017

@ddobreff When nvidia-smi stops working, the driver will log a XID error. You can check with:
journalctl _TRANSPORT=kernel | grep NVRM
So far i have not found a reliable why to recover from those failures. I just trigger a reboot on them (

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ddobreff commented Sep 7, 2017

We shouldn't be using this function at all, it may cause other dificulties like I forgot that I stopped the miner and while compiling the system rebooted...A better approach is to use miner as instructor for watchdog.

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piotr-dobrogost commented Sep 7, 2017

This method doesn't work everytime. If GPU fails nvidia-smi is executed in a loop without output.

True. I haven't tried it but I think checking exit code from nvidia-smi should allow to catch this. Another thing that should be accounted for is when nvidia-smi hangs (I think I've seen such cases).

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After #757 (added --exit parameter to exit whenever an error occurred) you can use a watchdog.

Try ETHminerWatchDogDmW Windows7/8/10 [32/64] & Linux (Any Dist/Any Ver/Any Arch) (#735).

Check and feedback please.
Thank you!

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