Slack bot in Ruby that can control your Sonos system through the node-sonos-http-api. []. Interacts heavily with Spotify and TuneIn.
Built on the slack-ruby-bot framework. []
Have a Slack Bot API Token[]
Have a Spotify app username and passwork.[]
The computer where you run this app must be able to talk to your node-sonos-http-api. This means if you are running this app externally to your network you must have ports forwarded appropriately.
Have a username and password setup on your node-sonos-http-api.
Fork/Clone this repo.
- Copy
- Enter values for all the variables.
- SLACK_API_TOKEN (api token for slack bot)
- RSPOTIFY_TOKEN (spotify app token)
- RSPOTIFY_PASSWORD (spotify app password)
- USERNAME (username for sonos api)
- PASSWORD (password for sonos api)
- NODE_SONOS_HTTP_API_URL (url for sonos api)
- SLACK_RUBY_BOT_ALIASES (any aliases you want jukebot to respond to)
ruby jukebot.rb
- Edit
to set environment variables docker-compose build --pull
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f
docker-compose down
docker-compose down
git pull
docker-compose build --pull
docker-compose up -d