A pure java implementation of actionlib for rosjava. Features implemented:
Latest release: v0.2.0
New in this release:
- Added goal state tracking to the client.
- Added a waitForActionServerToStart method to the client.
- ROS Indigo http://wiki.ros.org/
- Rosjava
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosjava
http://wiki.ros.org/rosjava/Tutorials/indigo/Installation - Java 1.7 or greater (OpenJDK should work)
- Also make sure you have the following packages:
You can find a video tutorial showing how to install and test the library following the instructions below: https://youtu.be/FmmsMdEbYFs
- Download the latest release of the project: https://github.com/ernestmc/rosjava_actionlib/archive/v0.2.0.zip
- Unzip it somewhere.
- Open a terminal inside the folder where you unzipped the package.
- Compile the code using the following command:
$ catkin_make
- Open a new terminal and get a ros master running:
$ roscore
- In another terminal run the actionlib sample server:
$ rosrun actionlib_tutorials fibonacci_server
- Run our client:
- Source the project environment:
$ source devel/setup.bash
- Run the client:
$ rosrun rosjava_actionlib execute com.github.ekumen.rosjava_actionlib.TestClient
The test client will connect to the fibonacci server and send it a goal. It should then receive feedback from the server and a final response. The output should look something like this:
Loading node class: com.github.ekumen.rosjava_actionlib.TestClient
Waiting for action server to start...
Action server started.
Sending goal...
Sent goal with ID: /fibonacci_test_client-1-1453494018.17000000
Waiting for goal to complete...
Feedback from Fibonacci server: 0 1 1
Feedback from Fibonacci server: 0 1 1 2
Feedback from Fibonacci server: 0 1 1 2 3
Got Fibonacci result sequence: 0 1 1 2 3
Goal completed!
Sending a new goal...
Sent goal with ID: /fibonacci_test_client-2-1453494021.25000000
Cancelling this goal...
Feedback from Fibonacci server: 0 1 1
Got Fibonacci result sequence:
Goal cancelled succesfully.
- Run our server:
- Source the project environment:
$ source devel/setup.bash
- Run the server:
$ rosrun rosjava_actionlib execute com.github.ekumen.rosjava_actionlib.TestServer
- If its not already running, open a new terminal and get a ros master running:
$ roscore
- In another terminal run the actionlib sample client:
$ rosrun actionlib_tutorials fibonacci_client
- Once finished, use Ctrl+C to close the server.
The test server will start running and wait for clients to connect and send goal messages. Once the fibonacci client sends a goal, the server accepts it and sends a result. The output should look something like this:
Goal received.
Goal accepted.
Sending result...
You can launch a demo client and a fibonacci action server all at once using:
roslaunch rosjava_actionlib client_demo.launch --screen
You can also launch a demo server and a fibonacci action client all at once using:
roslaunch rosjava_actionlib server_demo.launch --screen
Use Ctrl+C to stop the execution once it's finished.
$ cd src/rosjava_actionlib/
$ ./gradlew test