Data faking/obfuscation library based on real data.
Most data faking libraries generate dummy data for you. This library takes your existing data and mangles or obscures parts of it that you don't want public, but otherwise leaves it intact. The resulting data is "real-ish" rather than "fake".
Designed for the typical case of generating sample data for demonstrations, or for test fixtures, etc. where you don't want sensitive info projected to the room or in your repository, but you need more realistic data than that produced by random generation.
Via npm:
$ npm install realish
Or as a component:
$ component install ericgj/realish
var faked = Realish(data)
.random('status', ['single','married','dependent',null])
.fake('firstname', function(val,rec,recno){ return rec.codename; })
or command-line:
$ realish filter.json < input.json > output.json