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@emersion emersion released this 25 Apr 10:55
· 40 commits to v2 since this release
go-imap v2.0.0-beta.3

Conrad Hoffmann (1):
      imapclient: add DialInsecure() for plain-text IMAP

Simon Ser (25):
      imapclient: treat io.ErrClosedPipe as net.ErrClosed
      imapclient: stop when connection is closed
      imapclient: allow IdleCommand.Wait to be called before Close
      imapclient: add Create test
      imapclient: UTF-7-encode pattern in List
      utf7: use named field in struct literal
      utf7: accept raw UTF-8 when decoding
      utf7: add AcceptUTF8Encoding
      imapwire: don't encode UTF-8 in mailboxes with UTF8=ACCEPT
      imapclient: add Create test with UTF-8 characters
      utf7: simplify implementation
      utf7: drop repl
      imapclient: fix data race with Command.tag
      imapclient: add basic SELECT test
      imapclient: fix race condition in test initialization
      imapserver: fix race condition in Server.Close
      imapclient: add STARTTLS test
      imapclient: wait for handshake to complete during STARTTLS
      imapclient: document upgradeStartTLS
      imapclient: use defer to close startTLSCommand.upgradeDone
      imapclient: add STATUS test
      imapclient: add LIST test
      imapclient: set separator to "/" in Dovecot tests
      imapclient: fix timeout for initial greeting