Gradle plugin to add more reasonable styling to the plain HTML output of Kotlin's Dokka documentation tool.
Tailored for multi-module Android library packages written in Kotlin already using Dokka Gradle plugin for API documentation.
Supports special images and other static files if they are located in a static folder of the respective module.
Supports image inclusion in the documentation via a special format of a tags:
,where text part is a set of widthXheight pixel dimensions and url is the image's src.
Generates index page for the whole project with a set of high level descriptions and installation instructions obtained from module level build.gradle.
Supports cross module references without merging documentation into a single instance
Assuming that you have managed to generate plain HTML documentation in accordance with Dokka's README modify your project level build.gradle this way:
buildscript {
ext.mavenRepoUrl = 'https://path/to/your/maven/repo'
repositories {
maven {url '' }
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.gurunars:styled-android-dokka:VERSION'
apply plugin: "styled-android-dokka"
, where VERSION can be obtained here