Original Study/Reference: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.02770
class MLP(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dims, activation = nn.Sigmoid, init_func = nn.init.normal_)
Bases: nn.Module
A modular implementation of a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP).
- input_dim (int)- Input dimensionality.
- output_dim (int)- Output dimensionality.
- hidden_dims (List[int])- List specifying the number of units in each hidden layer
- activation (Callable)- Activation function applied between layers. Defaults to nn.Sigmoid
- init_func (Optional[Callable])- Function to initialize weights. Defaults to nn.init.normal_
forward(self, x)
- Performs the forward pass.
- Parameters:
- x (torch.Tensor)- Input tensor.
- Returns:
- A tensor representing the model after applying the MLP.
- Return type:
- torch.Tensor
class REncoder(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dims, activation = nn.Sigmoid, init_func = nn.init.normal_)
- Bases: nn.Module
- Encodes inputs of the form (x_i,y_i) into representations, r_i.
- Parameters:
- input_dim(int)- Total input dimensionality.
- output_dim(int)- Total encoded dimensionality.
- hidden_dims(List[int])- # of units in each hidden dimension.
- activation(Callable)- Activation function applied between layers, defaults to nn.Sigmoid.
- init_func(Optional[Callable])- A function initializing the weights, defaults to nn.init.normal_.
- forward(self, inputs)
- Forward pass for the representation encoder.
- Parameters:
- inputs (torch.Tensor)- Input tensor.
- Returns:
- A tensor representing the encoded representations of the REncoder.
- Return type:
- torch.Tensor
class ZEncoder(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dims, activation = nn.Sigmoid, init_func = nn.init.normal_)
Bases: nn.Module
Takes an r representation and produces the mean & standard deviation of the normally distributed function encoding, z.
- input_dim(int)- r's aggregated dimensionality.
- output_dim(int)- z's latent dimensionality.
- hidden_dims(List[int])- # of units in each hidden dimension.
- activation(Callable)- Activation function applied between layers, defaults to nn.Sigmoid.
- init_func(Optional[Callable])- A function initializing the weights, defaults to nn.init.normal_.
forward(self, inputs)
- Forward pass for latent encoder.
- Parameters:
- inputs (torch.Tensor)- Input tensor.
- Returns:
- A tuple consisting of the mean of the latent Gaussian distribution and the log variance of the latent Gaussian distribution.
- Return type:
- Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
class Decoder(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dims, activation = nn.Sigmoid, init_func = nn.init.normal_)
Bases: nn.Module
Takes the x star points, along with a 'function encoding', z, and makes predictions.
- input_dim(int)- Total input dimensionality.
- output_dim(int)- Total encoded dimensionality.
- hidden_dims (List[int])- # of units in each hidden dimension.
- activation(Callable)- Activation function applied between layers, defaults to nn.Sigmoid.
- init_func(Optional[Callable])- A function initializing the weights, defaults to nn.init.normal_.
forward(self, x_pred, z)
- Forward pass for the decoder.
- Parameters:
- x_pred (torch.Tensor)- No. of data points, by x_dim
- z (torch.Tensor)- No. of samples, by z_dim
- Returns:
- A tensor representing the model after applying the MLP.
- Return type:
- torch.Tensor
- Mean Absolute Error loss function.
- Parameters:
- pred (torch.Tensor)- Predicted values.
- target (torch.Tensor) - Target values.
- Returns:
- A tensor representing the Mean Absolute Error (MAE).
- Return type:
- torch.Tensor
class NeuralProcessModel(self, r_hidden_dims, z_hidden_dims, decoder_hidden_dims, x_dim, y_dim, r_dim, z_dim, activation = nn.Sigmoid, init_func = torch.nn.init.normal_)
Base: botorch.models.model.Model
Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network Model Implementation.
- r_hidden_dims (List[int]) - Hidden dimensions/layers for the REncoder.
- z_hidden_dims (List[int]) - Hidden dimensions/layers for the ZEncoder.
- decoder_hidden_dims (List[int]) - Hidden dimensions/layers for the Decoder.
- x_dim (int) - Dimensionality of input data x.
- y_dim (int) - Dimensionality of target data y.
- r_dim (int) - Dimensionality of representation r.
- z_dim (int) - Dimensionality of latent variable z.
- activation(Callable)- Activation function applied between layers, defaults to nn.Sigmoid.
- init_func (Optional[Callable]) - Function for initializing weights. Defaults to torch.nn.init.normal_.
Property r_encoder: REncoder
- The Representation Encoder of the model.
Property z_encoder: ZEncoder
- The Latent ZEncoder of the model.
Property decoder: Decoder
- The Decoder of the model.
Property z_dim: int
- The z_dim of the model.
Property z_mu_all: torch.Tensor
- Gaussian Distribution Latent Mean of the full data.
Property z_logvar_all: torch.Tensor
- Gaussian Distribution Latent Log Variance of the full data.
Property z_mu_context: torch.Tensor
- Gaussian Distribution Latent Mean of the context data.
Property z_logvar_context: torch.Tensor
- Gaussian Distribution Latent Log Variance of the context data.
data_to_z_params(x, y, xy_dim = 1, r_dim = 0)
- Compute latent parameters from inputs as a latent distribution.
- Parameters:
- x (torch.Tensor)- Input tensor.
- y (torch.Tensor)- Target tensor.
- xy_dim (int)- Combined Input Dimension, defaults as 1.
- r_dim (int)- Combined Target Dimension, defaults as 0.
- Returns:
- The mean and log variance of the latent Gaussian distribution as a tuple.
- Return type:
- Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
sample_z(mu, logvar, n = 1, min_std = 0.01, scaler = 0.5)
- Reparameterization trick for sampling from the latent Gaussian distribution.
- Parameters:
- mu (torch.Tensor)- Mean of the Gaussian distribution.
- logvar (torch.Tensor)- Log variance of the Gaussian distribution.
- n (int)- # of samples. Defaults to 1.
- min_std (float)- Minimum standard deviation. Defaults to 0.01.
- scaler (float)- Scaling factor for the standard deviation. Defaults to 0.5.
- Returns:
- Samples from the Gaussian distribution.
- Return type:
- torch.Tensor
KLD_gaussian(min_std = 0.01, scaler = 0.5)
- Analytical KL divergence between two Gaussian distributions.
- Parameters:
- min_std (float)- Minimum standard deviation. Defaults to 0.01.
- scaler (float)- Scaling factor for the standard deviation. Defaults to 0.5.
- Returns:
- KL divergence value.
- Return type:
- torch.Tensor
posterior(X, covariance_multiplier, observation_constant, observation_noise = False, posterior_transform = None)
- Computes the model's posterior distribution for given input tensors.
- Parameters:
- X (torch.Tensor)- Input tensor.
- covariance_multiplier (float)- Scaling factor for the covariance matrix.
- observation_constant (float)- Noise constant added to the covariance matrix.
- observation_noise (bool)- If True, adds observation noise to the covariance matrix, defaults to False.
- posterior_transform (Optional[PosteriorTransform])- Transformation applied to the posterior distribution, defaults to None.
- Returns:
- The posterior distribution object utilizing MultivariateNormal.
- Return type:
- GPyTorchPosterior
transform_inputs(X, input_transform = None)
- Transform inputs.
- Parameters:
- X (torch.Tensor)- Input tensor.
- input_transform (Optional[Module])- A Module that performs the input transformation.
- Returns:
- A tensor of transformed inputs
- Return type:
- torch.Tensor
forward(x_t, x_c, y_c, y_t, input_dim = 0, target_dim = 0)
- Forward pass for the model.
- Parameters:
- x_t (torch.Tensor)- Target input tensor.
- x_c (torch.Tensor)- Context input tensor.
- y_c (torch.Tensor)- Context target tensor.
- y_t (torch.Tensor)- Target output data.
- input_dim (int)- Dimension along which input data is concatenated. Defaults to 0.
- target_dim (int)- Dimension along which target data is concatenated. Defaults to 0.
- Returns:
- Predicted target values.
- Return type:
- torch.Tensor
random_split_context_target(x, y, n_context, axis)
- Helper function to split data into context and target sets.
- Parameters:
- x (torch.Tensor)- Input data tensor.
- y (torch.Tensor)- Target data tensor.
- n_context (int)- Number of context points.
- axis (int)- Dimension axis
- Returns:
- Context and target data tuples:
- x_c: Context input data.
- y_c: Context target data.
- x_t: Target input data.
- y_t: Target target data.
- Context and target data tuples:
- Return type:
- Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
- Latent Information Gain (LIG) Acquisition Function, designed for the NeuralProcessModel.
- Bases: botorch.acquisition.AcquisitionFunction
- Parameters:
- model (NeuralProcessModel)- Trained NeuralProcessModel.
- num_samples (int)- Number of samples for calculation, defaults to 10.
- min_std (float)- The minimum possible standardized std, defaults to 0.1.
- scaler (float)- Scaling the std, defaults to 0.9.
- def acquisition(self, candidate_x, context_x, context_y):
- Conduct the Latent Information Gain acquisition function for the inputs.
- Parameters:
- candidate_x (torch.Tensor): Candidate input points, as a Tensor. Ideally in the shape (N, q, D), and assumes N = 1 if the given dimensions are 2D.
- Returns:
- The LIG scores of computed KLDs, in the shape (N, q).
- Return type:
- torch.Tensor