A modern interface for browsing top stories from Hacker News, organized by different time periods. Similar to Reddit's "Top" feature, HN Top Links aggregates stories by daily, weekly, monthly and yearly intervals, letting you discover the most engaging content based on either upvotes or number of comments.
- Browse top stories by different time periods:
- Today's best
- Weekly digest
- Monthly highlights
- Yearly favorites
- All-time best
- Sort stories by:
- Most upvoted
- Most commented
- Email subscription options:
- Daily updates
- Weekly digest
- Monthly roundup
- Yearly review
- Complete archive access back to 2006
- Mobile-friendly responsive design
- Backend
- Java 17
- Spring Boot
- PostgreSQL
- Flyway (migrations)
- Frontend
- Thymeleaf
- Modern responsive CSS
- Infrastructure
- Docker
- GitHub Actions
- Java 17
- PostgreSQL 13+
- Docker (optional)
Clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/eguller/hntoplinks.git
cd hntoplinks
- Configure database:
# application-local.properties
- Run application:
./gradlew bootRun --args='--spring.profiles.active=local'
- Access application at http://localhost:8066
Run tests:
./gradlew test
Integration tests use TestContainers to spin up a PostgreSQL instance.
Using Docker:
docker-compose up -d
Contributions are welcome! Please:
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Add tests for new functionality
- Ensure all tests pass
- Submit a pull request
This project is licensed under MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Inspired by Reddit's "Top" feature and built with data from Hacker News. Thanks to Y Combinator for providing the HN API.