An online platform where users can sign in as either a customer who can order food or a restaurant owner who can receive the orders.
npm install
npm start
- twilio
- bcrypt
- body-parser
- cookie-session
- ejs
- express
- node-sass-middleware
- pg
- pg-native
Home Page
: App title with links to social network websites and a button to get started!
Login Page
: User can sign up, login as either customer or restaurant owner
Menu Page 1
: The restaurant title is displayed with a button which will smoothly scroll down to show the menu
Menu Page 2
: Displays the menu, with the arrow buttons which can be clicked to add to cart
Menu Page 3
: Once the user starts adding items, the button to open the cart shows up from the bottom with shaking animation
Menu Page 4
: Once click the cart button, a box shows up with the added items, total amount (before tax), and proceed button. The quantity of each item is "dynamic" so if the user changes the amount while the cart is open, it live updates the quantity
Order Review Page
: This page shows information about the restaurant which is dynamically derived from the database, estamated processing time, the selected items, total amount after tax, and the check out button.
Order Confirmation
: This page confirms that the order has been placed
Text Message for owner
: The restaurant owner receives a text message that indicates that there is a new order
Restaurant Side Page
: The restaurant owner can see incoming order, accepted order, and completed order
Restaurant Side Page 2
: Based on estimated processing time and outstanding orders, the owner can choose an estimated waiting time for the customer
Restaurant Side Page 3
: Once clicking accept button, the order box goes to 'Accepted Orders' section
Text Message for the customer
: The customer receiveS a text message that says the order is acceted with estimated waiting time
Restaurant Side Page 4
: Once the customer picks up their items, the owner clicks complete and the order goes to 'Completed Orders' Section. And the owner waits for the next order