- make name edit possible
all recipes overview
- display time needed in recipes overview
- sorting, filtering, searching, etc.
pdf export
- rust api endpoint (vercel function)
- typst templates
- send data as json
- https://github.com/vercel-community/rust
search by keywords as well as name
display/handle form errors
fix hover cards ("Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation.")
cdn for images
proper landing page
- spacing between "b" and "c" cell is too large
- "b" and "c" try to become as tall as the "a" cell
- some images do not stretch to screen width on mobile
- invaidate queries on mutation
- recipe sharing
- create new (shortened) url -> basically a url shortener
- https://ui.shadcn.com/docs/components/command instead of search bar
- close sidebar on mobile after navigating
- use https://www.npmjs.com/package/html-entities to decode html entities