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Releases: echolevel/wulfcode

Wulfcode v0.2-beta.3

08 Feb 20:47
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Major tidy, new features, a new improved window layout and working opacity! See the README for full details.


01 Jan 20:30
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Fixed hoof for velo objects
Added config option for DAWs with constant clock output (e.g. Renoise). When enabled, Wulfcode waits for a MIDI system ‘start’ message before running sequences (and resets sequence positions to 0 on ‘stop’). This might cause sync problems with the DAW, but ‘<<’ and ‘>>’ should help.


01 Jan 01:19
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Wulfcode 0.2-beta.1 for Mac OS X as an executable JAR. The config file (wulfcode_config.txt) should be copied to your home directory ( ~/ ) and edited if necessary, though Wulfcode will run without it. Read the file for details of which options can be set.

Note: if your system has Java 7 (1.7) as its default runtime version, Wulfcode will ignore the opacity option and force both windows to be 100% opaque. This is due to an infuriating bug that Sun apparently haven't fixed yet; hopefully it'll be dealt with soon.