An application for monitoring, profiling and inspecting a running eXist-db instance.
The app includes:
- Monitoring dashboard: shows memory usage, running queries, locked threads, cache usage and more
- Query profiling page: essential for tuning queries and indexes
- Index browser: inspect existing indexes
- Remote console: send log messages from any query in eXist to the remote console. Uses web sockets for real-time updates.
- Data visualizer: get a quick overview of the frequency of elements in a collection.
- Remote Monitoring: monitor multiple remote eXistdb instances. Provides timelines for long term monitoring.
Monex remote monitoring requires the eXistdb scheduler module to be enabled. Make sure it is enabled in $eXistdb_home/extensions/
# Scheduler module
include.module.scheduler = true
and in $eXistdb_home/conf.xml
make sure the Scheduler module is not commented out:
<module uri=""
class="org.exist.xquery.modules.scheduler.SchedulerModule" />
This needs only to be done if include.module.scheduler
in extensions/
was set to false
. Then eXistdb has to be rebuild to enable the scheduler module. Shutdown the database and in the root of the eXistdb project simply call
After starting the database again, the remote monitoring tab should show no more error warnings.
For each eXistdb instance to monitor its url and its unique token is needed. The token can be found in the data directory on the filesystem . The file is called jmxservlet.token
. The path to the data directory can be found in $existdb_home/conf.xml
<db-connection files="path-to-your-data-dir" ... />
Each eXistdb installation to monitor is added as an instance entry at /db/apps/monex/instances.xml
<instance name="localhost"
token="3268b570-392e-56ea-9550-117012413e15" cron="0 * * * * ?">
<poll cron="0/30 * * * * ?" store="yes">
<alert name="More than 30 threads waiting for locks to be released"
condition="count($jmx//LockManager/WaitingThreads/row) > 30"/>
<alert name="More than 40 brokers active"
condition="$jmx//Database/ActiveBrokers > 10"/>
<alert name="Process CPU load > 1.0"
condition="$jmx//UnixOperatingSystem/ProcessCpuLoad > 0.5"/>
In the Monex Remote Monitoring tab click "Run" to start all remote monitoring jobs. You should now see an entry "localhost" beneath "Remote Monitoring" and beneath that an entry "Timelines".
If you wish to build Monex from source code you should follow these steps:
- Ensure you have Git, Apache Maven 3.3+, and Java JDK 8 installed and available:
$ git --version
git version 2.20.0
$ mvn --version
Apache Maven 3.5.4 (1edded0938998edf8bf061f1ceb3cfdeccf443fe; 2018-06-18T02:33:14+08:00)
Maven home: /usr/local/maven
Java version: 1.8.0_192, vendor: Azul Systems, Inc., runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu8.33.0.1-jdk8.0.192-macosx_x64/jre
Default locale: en_GB, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.14.1", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
- Clone and build an EXPath package by running:
git clone
cd monex
mvn package
The resulting XAR will be in the target/
This project is configured to use the Maven Release Plugin to make creating and subsequently publishing a release easy.
The release plugin will take care of:
- Testing the project (all tests must pass)
- Verifying all rules, e.g. license declarations present, etc.
- Creating a Git Tag and pushing the Tag to GitHub
- Building and signing the artifacts (e.g. EXPath Pkg
Before performing the release, in addition to the Build requirements you need an installed and functioning copy of GPG or GnuPG with your private key setup correctly for signing.
Only users with push access to the GitHub repo can act as release manager.
Before creating the release, check if:
the changelog is up-to-date for the planned release?
the target versions for eXistdb are correctly declared in
?<>5.4.0</> <exist.processor.version>7.0.0-SNAPSHOT</exist.processor.version>
To edit release notes for the planned release within xar-assembly.xml
located in the root of this repo, e.g.:
<change version="4.0.0">
<ul xmlns="">
<li>Breaking: Due to internal API changes this version of monex requires eXist-db version 6.1.0 or later - <a href="">#210</a>, <a href="">#223</a></li>
<li>Fixed: Added missing release notes for 3.0.5 release - <a href="">#217</a></li>
To perform the release, from within your local Git cloned repository run:
mvn release:prepare && mvn release:perform
You will be prompted for the answers to a few questions along the way. The default response will be provided for you, and you can simply press "Enter" (or "Return") to accept it. Alternatively you may enter your own value and press "Enter" (or "Return").
What is the release version for "monex"? (org.exist-db.apps:monex) 2.3.1: : 2.4.0
What is SCM release tag or label for "monex"? (org.exist-db.apps:monex) 2.4.0: :
What is the new development version for "monex"? (org.exist-db.apps:monex) 2.4.1-SNAPSHOT: :
- For the
release version
, please sensibly consider using the next appropriate SemVer 2.0.0 version number. - For the
SCM release tag
, please use the same value as therelease version
. - For the
new development version
, the default value should always suffice.
Once the release process completes, there will be a .xar
file in the target/
sub-folder. This file may be published to: