wewwew Debian:
cd /root
wget https://github.com/doristeo/SwarmMonitoring/raw/main/docker/instdeb.sh
chmod +x instdeb.sh
cd /root
wget https://github.com/doristeo/SwarmMonitoring/raw/main/docker/instubu.sh
chmod +x instubu.sh
Maybe later.
Raspberry Pi
Default login/password to Grafana is admin/admin.
cd /root
wget https://github.com/doristeo/SwarmMonitoring/raw/main/send.sh
chmod +x send.sh
test all /root/send.sh http://public_IP_of_your_server:8080
, if ok you will see the data on your Grafana-server http://public_IP_of_your_server:3000.
crontab -e
add this string */10 * * * * /root/send.sh http://public_IP_of_your_server:8080 > /dev/null 2>&1
and restart cron systemctl restart cron
The node will send data to the monitoring server every 10 minutes.