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This is a babashka pod that binds some golang functions into a clojure namespace. Using this pod, clojure programs can parse dockerfiles and docker images names using the "official" docker golang libraries.


(require '[babashka.pods :as pods])
(pods/load-pod 'docker/tools "0.1.0")
; OR use a locally built pod binary
#_(pods/load-pod "./babashka-pod-docker")

;; load-pod will create this namespace with two vars
(require '[ :as docker])

;; parse image names using
;; turns golang structs into clojure maps
(docker/parse-image-name "")
;; automatically turns golang errors into Exceptions
  (docker/parse-image-name "")
  (catch Exception e
    ;; invalid reference format
    (println (.getMessage e))))

;; parse dockerfiles using
;; returns the Result struct transformed to a clojure map
(docker/parse-dockerfile "FROM \\\n\nCMD [\"run\"]")

Loading 'docker/docker-tools from the pod registry will download the binary into ${user.home}/.babashka/pods/registry (the $BABASHKA_PODS_DIR environment variable will be used if it exists).

Building Locally

To build the golang parser binary locally, run go build.

go build -o babashka-pod-docker


All pushes to main will update the 0.1.0 release. This is becaus maintaining the pod version in the repository directory and in the pod registry is tricky.

We hope to automate all of that in the future.

Namespace generation

The pods/load-pod call is convenient for a repl-session, or a script, but what if you are aot compiling, or building a native binary. In the example above, the namespaces emitted by pods/load-pod are not available until runtime.

Here is an example of bindings that will resolve at compile-time and go through the same dispatch.

; require the babashka.pods in a namespace
(require '[babashka.pods.impl :as impl])

; call at runtime to initialize pod system
(defn load-pod
  ([pod-spec] (load-pod pod-spec nil))
  ([pod-spec version opts] (load-pod pod-spec (assoc opts :version version)))
  ([pod-spec opts]
   (let [opts (if (string? opts)
                {:version opts}
         pod (impl/load-pod
              (merge {:remove-ns remove-ns
                      :resolve (fn [sym]
                                 (or (resolve sym)
                                      (create-ns (symbol (namespace sym)))
                                      (symbol (name sym)))))}
     (future (impl/processor pod))
     {:pod/id (:pod-id pod)})))

;; statically define dispatch functions - this is synchronous
(defn parse [s]
  (impl/invoke-public "" "" [s] {}))

;; async example
(defn generate-sbom [s]
  (impl/invoke-public "" ""
    [s cb]
    {:handlers {:done (fn [])
                :success cb
                :error (fn [err]}})))
(pods/load-pod "/bin/babashka-pod-docker")

This method of dispatch does not require any dynamic namespace generation.


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