Removes extra white boundaries from images to correctly resize canvas.
Thanks @matthewkmayer for bringing down cropping times (see #1 and #2)!
The borders are just to represent the actual images tested with. (click to zoom)
$ cargo install auto-image-cropper
or if you like to live on the bleeding edge
$ git clone https://github.com/Ritiek/auto-image-cropper
$ cd auto-image-cropper
$ cargo build --release
Use ./target/release/autocrop
to start using the tool.
autocrop [OPTIONS] --input <LOCATION>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-i, --input <LOCATION> Location of input image/directory
-o, --output <LOCATION> Location of output image/directory
For example:
$ ./target/release/autocrop -i benchmarking/face.jpg -o face.out.jpg
This tool also provides Python bindings via PyO3 (using Rust FFI).
You need a Rust nightly toolchain to proceed (PyO3 does not support Rust stable at the moment).
If you have rustup
, run:
$ rustup default nightly
to switch to nightly channel.
This feature can then be enabled by passing --features "python-binding"
to cargo when compiling.
For example:
$ cargo build --release --features "python-binding"
This will generate a dynamic library (*.so) on Linux machines with the name
Let's move this dynamic library into our current working directory:
$ mv target/release/libauto_image_cropper.so .
It can now be utilized via Python scripts using:
>>> import libauto_image_cropper
# Returns the optimal top-left and bottom-right corner
# coordinates for a given image to be cropped
>>> (top_left, bottom_right) = libauto_image_cropper.calculate_corners("benchmarking/face.jpg")
>>> print(top_left)
(442, 73)
>>> print(bottom_right)
(783, 536)
(I haven't checked this out on Windows or OSX, but should follow a similar procedure)
This tool was hackishly re-written in Python to compare with Rust - just for fun.
The benchmarks were done on a MacBook Air running macOS Sierra 10.12.2.
Image | Python | Rust | Times Faster |
face.jpg | 0.867s | 0.155s | 5.59 |
square.png | 1.682s | 0.142s | 11.84 |
flowers.jpg | 2.222s | 0.476s | 4.66 |
human.jpg | 2.362s | 0.294s | 8.02 |
pets.jpg | 5.366s | 1.704s | 3.14 |
agent47.jpg | 51.559s | 7.519s | 6.85 |
- Python struggles to find the optimal coordinates but is quick (quicker than Rust) when saving the cropped image back to disk. Rust really outperforms while finding the optimal coordinates.
[2020 / 03] UPDATE: These benchmarks were done in 2017. Rust and its image libraries have a come long way ahead and I believe should now offer even better performance! I'll update these benchmarks when I'm able to.
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