🚨 This repository is abandoned, please use https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-docker
ℹ️ See repository tags for full version numbers
See all available image tags
- using updated yii2 images
- different system package installation
- composer 2
- removed standalone
- switched to PHP 7.4
- Alpine support has been dropped
- Forego has been replace with supervisord
- Removed Linkchecker
no stable release
- added bash-autocompletion
- removed separate xdebug flavour
This is a Docker PHP image containing PHP extensions and composer packages and libraries for Yii 2.0 Framework.
It is primarily intended to build Yii 2.0 applications FROM
this image, see below for available application templates.
There is also an nginx
flavour available for this image, in which PHP and nginx are managed with supervisor.
In older versions of the nginx
images, forego was used for process control.
However, since forego is no longer actively maintained and problems can arise if one of the started processes terminates unsuspectedly,
we decided to switch to supervisor.
- soap
- zip
- curl
- bcmath
- exif
- gd
- iconv
- intl
- mbstring
- opcache
- pdo_mysql
- pdo_pgsql
- memcache
- xdebug - installed, but not loaded by default
(debian only)
Building the images
docker-compose build
Development bash
docker run -it dmstr/php-yii2 bash
- GitHub project
- GitLab build
- DockerHub image
- yii2-app minimal application tempplate
- phd5 standard application template
- phd5 documentation