Faker is a library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
It is a (mostly) API-compatible port of Ruby Faker gem (https://github.com/stympy/faker) to Go.
To install
go get -u syreclabs.com/go/faker
faker.Address().City() // => "North Dessie"
faker.Address().StreetName() // => "Buckridge Lakes"
faker.Address().StreetAddress() // => "586 Sylvester Turnpike"
faker.Address().SecondaryAddress() // => "Apt. 411"
faker.Address().BuildingNumber() // => "754"
faker.Address().Postcode() // => "31340"
faker.Address().PostcodeByState("IN") // => "46511"
faker.Address().ZipCode() // ZipCode is an alias for Postcode.
faker.Address().ZipCodeByState("IN") // ZipCodeByState is an alias for PostcodeByState.
faker.Address().TimeZone() // => "Asia/Taipei"
faker.Address().CityPrefix() // => "East"
faker.Address().CitySuffix() // => "town"
faker.Address().StreetSuffix() // => "Square"
faker.Address().State() // => "Maryland"
faker.Address().StateAbbr() // => "IL"
faker.Address().Country() // => "Uruguay"
faker.Address().CountryCode() // => "JP"
faker.Address().Latitude() // => (float32) -38.811367
faker.Address().Longitude() // => (float32) 89.2171
faker.Address().String() // => "6071 Heaney Island Suite 553, Ebbaville Texas 37307"
faker.App().Name() // => "Alphazap"
faker.App().Version() // => "2.6.0"
faker.App().Author() // => "Dorian Shields"
faker.App().String() // => "Tempsoft 4.51"
faker.Avatar().Url("jpg", 100, 200) // => "http://robohash.org/NX34rZw7s0VFzgWY.jpg?size=100x200"
faker.Avatar().String() // => "http://robohash.org/XRWjFigoImqdeDuA.png?size=300x300"
faker.Bitcoin().Address() // => "1GpEKM5UvD4XDLMirpNLoDnRVrGutogMj2"
faker.Bitcoin().String() // String is an alias for Address.
faker.Business().CreditCardNumber() // => "1234-2121-1221-1211"
faker.Business().CreditCardExpiryDate() // => "2015-11-11"
faker.Business().CreditCardType() // => "mastercard"
faker.Code().Isbn10() // => "048931033-8"
faker.Code().Isbn13() // => "391668236072-1"
faker.Code().Ean13() // => "7742864258656"
faker.Code().Ean8() // => "03079010"
faker.Code().Rut() // => "14371602-3"
faker.Code().Abn() // => "57914951376"
faker.Commerce().Color() // => "lime"
faker.Commerce().Department() // => "Electronics, Health & Baby"
faker.Commerce().ProductName() // => "Ergonomic Granite Shoes"
faker.Commerce().Price() // => (float32) 97.79
faker.Company().Name() // => "Aufderhar LLC"
faker.Company().Suffix() // => "Inc"
faker.Company().CatchPhrase() // => "Universal logistical artificial intelligence"
faker.Company().Bs() // => "engage distributed applications"
faker.Company().Ein() // => "58-6520513"
faker.Company().DunsNumber() // => "16-708-2968"
faker.Company().Logo() // => "http://www.biz-logo.com/examples/015.gif"
faker.Company().String() // String is an alias for Name.
// Between returns random time in [from, to] interval, with second resolution.
faker.Date().Between(from, to time.Time) time.Time
// Forward returns random time in [time.Now(), time.Now() + duration] interval, with second resolution.
faker.Date().Forward(duration time.Duration) time.Time
// Backward returns random time in [time.Now() - duration, time.Now()] interval, with second resolution.
faker.Date().Backward(duration time.Duration) time.Time
// Birthday returns random time so that age of the person born at that moment would be between minAge and maxAge years.
faker.Date().Birthday(minAge, maxAge int) time.Time
// CreditCard returns a valid (with valid check digit) card number of one of the given types.
// If no types are passed, all types in CC_TYPES are used.
faker.Finance().CreditCard(faker.CC_VISA) // => "4190418835414"
faker.Hacker().SaySomethingSmart() // => "If we connect the bus, we can get to the XML microchip through the digital TCP sensor!"
faker.Hacker().Abbreviation() // => "HTTP"
faker.Hacker().Adjective() // => "cross-platform"
faker.Hacker().Noun() // => "interface"
faker.Hacker().Verb() // => "bypass"
faker.Hacker().IngVerb() // => "parsing"
faker.Hacker().Phrases() []string // => []string{
// "If we bypass the program, we can get to the AGP protocol through the optical SDD alarm!",
// "We need to calculate the back-end XML microchip!",
// "Try to generate the GB bus, maybe it will hack the neural panel!",
// "You can't navigate the transmitter without synthesizing the optical SMS bus!",
// "Use the optical THX application, then you can override the mobile port!",
// "The CSS monitor is down, quantify the multi-byte bus so we can calculate the XSS bandwidth!",
// "Connecting the card won't do anything, we need to back up the multi-byte RSS card!",
// "I'll reboot the primary SMTP feed, that should monitor the XML protocol!`",
// }
faker.Internet().Email() // => "[email protected]"
faker.Internet().FreeEmail() // => "[email protected]"
faker.Internet().SafeEmail() // => "[email protected]"
faker.Internet().UserName() // => "micah_pfeffer"
faker.Internet().Password(8, 14) // => "s5CzvVp6Ye"
faker.Internet().DomainName() // => "rolfson.info"
faker.Internet().DomainWord() // => "heller"
faker.Internet().DomainSuffix() // => "net"
faker.Internet().MacAddress() // => "15:a9:83:29:76:26"
faker.Internet().IpV4Address() // => ""
faker.Internet().IpV6Address() // => "c697:392f:6a0e:bf6d:77e1:714a:10ab:0dbc"
faker.Internet().Url() // => "http://sporerhamill.net/kyla.schmitt"
faker.Internet().Slug() // => "officiis-commodi"
faker.Lorem().Character() // => "c"
faker.Lorem().Characters(17) // => "wqFyJIrXYfVP7cL9M"
faker.Lorem().Word() // => "veritatis"
faker.Lorem().Words(3) // => []string{"omnis", "libero", "neque"}
faker.Lorem().Sentence(3) // => "Necessitatibus sit autem."
// Sentences returns a slice of "num" sentences, 3 to 11 words each.
faker.Lorem().Sentences(num int) []string
// Paragraph returns a random text of "sentences" sentences length.
faker.Lorem().Paragraph(sentences int)
// Paragraphs returns a slice of "num" paragraphs, 3 to 11 sentences each.
faker.Lorem().Paragraphs(num int) []string
// String returns a random sentence 3 to 11 words in length.
faker.Name().Name() // => "Natasha Hartmann"
faker.Name().FirstName() // => "Carolina"
faker.Name().LastName() // => "Kohler"
faker.Name().Prefix() // => "Dr."
faker.Name().Suffix() // => "Jr."
faker.Name().Title() // => "Chief Functionality Orchestrator"
faker.Name().String() // String is an alias for Name.
faker.Number().Number(5) // => "43202"
faker.Number().NumberInt(3) // => 213
faker.Number().NumberInt32(5) // => 92938
faker.Number().NumberInt64(19) // => 1689541633257139096
faker.Number().Decimal(8, 2) // => "879420.60"
faker.Number().Digit() // => "7"
faker.Number().Hexadecimal(4) // => "e7f3"
faker.Number().Between(-100, 100) // => "-47"
faker.Number().Positive(100) // => "3"
faker.Number().Negative(-100) // => "-16"
faker.PhoneNumber().PhoneNumber() // => "1-599-267-6597 x537"
faker.PhoneNumber().CellPhone() // => "+49-131-0003060"
faker.PhoneNumber().AreaCode() // => "903"
faker.PhoneNumber().ExchangeCode() // => "574"
faker.PhoneNumber().SubscriberNumber(4) // => "1512"
faker.PhoneNumber().String() // String is an alias for PhoneNumber.
faker.Team().Name() // => "Colorado cats"
faker.Team().Creature() // => "cats"
faker.Team().State() // => "Oregon"
faker.Team().String() // String is an alias for Name.
// Between returns random time in [from, to] interval, with second resolution.
faker.Time().Between(from, to time.Time) time.Time
// Forward returns random time in [time.Now(), time.Now() + duration] interval, with second resolution.
faker.Time().Forward(duration time.Duration) time.Time
// Backward returns random time in [time.Now() - duration, time.Now()] interval, with second resolution.
faker.Time().Backward(duration time.Duration) time.Time
// Birthday returns random time so that age of the person born at that moment would be between minAge and maxAge years.
faker.Time().Birthday(minAge, maxAge int) time.Time