Modular and feature-rich caching framework
Features include:
- Multiple cache pools
- Invalidation grouping with tags
- Cluster support
- Expire and stale behavior
- Expvar support
- Modularity:
- serializers
- cache logic modules
- storage drivers
- driver wrappers
go get -u
func fetcher(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
res, err := db.GetDataByKey(key)
return res, err
// Add cache to the cache manager
cachery.Add(cachery.NewDefault("some_cache", cachery.Config{
// Time after cache become stale and should be updated from fetcher in background
Expire: time.Second * 20,
// Time after cache become outdated and should be updated immediately
Lifetime: time.Second * 120,
// Serializer is reusable.
// There is JSON serializer as well, but it is slower and has some limitations like nanoseconds in time.Time.
Serializer: &cachery.GobSerializer{},
// Driver is reusable for different caches
Driver: inmemory.Default(),
// Fetcher is function that fetch data from the underlying storage(e.g. database)
// could be nil if you use fetcher parameter of Get function
Fetcher: fetcher,
// Expvar will be used to populate cache statistics through expvar package
// It could be nil if you don't need it
Expvar: nil,
// Tags allow you invalidate all caches in Manager which have specified tags
// could be nil
Tags: []string{"tag1", "tag2"},
// Get cache from manager
c := cachery.Get("some_cache")
var val string
c.Get("some_key", &val, nil)
// Or override fetcher function from config
c.Get("some_key", &val, fetcher)
// Invalidate all keys
// Invalidate single key
//Invalidate all caches in manager
//Invalidate caches in manager by tag
See examples to understand usage:
To update Cachery to the latest version, use go get -u
We support the three major Go versions, which are 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 at the moment.
Please feel free to submit issues, fork the repository and send pull requests!
When submitting an issue, we ask that you please include a complete test function that demonstrates the issue. Extra kudos for those using Cachery to write the test code that demonstrates it.