Examples of applications running on the Bedrock framework.
- npm v3+
Demonstrates how client-side AMD modules that define AngularJS components can be added as a pseudo package.
An example demonstrating minimal bootstrapping for an AngularJS front-end.
An example running as a desktop application.
A simple REST API with a MongoDB backend.
Demonstrates the use of the bedrock-angular-resource AngularJS module for
interacting with the basic-rest-api
Advanced REST API techniques including using JSON-LD, HTTP Signatures, and user permissions.
A front-end display using bedrock's modals and angular.
An example demonstrating how to replace an existing AngularJS template to change look and feel.
An example demonstrating how to replace an existing AngularJS template and add new controller and directive code to change look and feel and functionality.
- https://github.com/digitalbazaar/bedrock-seed
- A more comprehensive example using more bedrock features and modules.
- https://github.com/digitalbazaar/p3
- The PaySwarm Payments Processor that implements web payments specs.