This linter was start as a fork from the vertfn linter by @nikolaydubina. However it is a significant departure in scope from that linter.
Disclaimer: false positives; practically this is useful for "exploration" rather than for "enforcement"
Vertical Ordering
In general we want function call dependencies to point in the downward direction. That is, a function that is called should be bellow a function that does the calling. This creates a nice flow down the source code module from the high level to low level.
As in newspaper articles, we expect the most important concepts to come first, and we expect them to be expressed with the least amount of polluting detail. We expect the low-level details to come last. This allows us to skim source files, getting the gist from the frist few functions, without having to immerge ourselves in the details.
— Clean Code, Chapter 5, p84, Robert C. Martin, 2009
go install
refdir ./...
For each reference type (func
, type
, recvtype
, var
, const
) there is a flag --${type}-dir=[up|down|ignore]
to configure the required direction of references of that type.
as per go/analysis
docs to integrate refdir
in a custom analysis binary.
The subpackage golangci-lint
provides a module plugin for golangci-lint. Example .custom-gcl.yml and .golangci.yml configuration files are provided as a basis for use in your own project.