This is a cross-platform PyQT tool for configuration and monitoring nodes of UWB Open-RTLS system.
Firmware for STM32-based RTLS nodes is here.
Configuration tool is used setting up and monitor RTLS nodes, connected to your local network. You can set network and RTLS parameters for each node. Tool has a simple monitor window (based on pyqtgraph) with constant anchor positions and live-updating tag positions. You can configure Universal Navigation Engine (UNE) by adding new tags and anchors.
brew install protobuf
protoc -I=proto --python_out=proto Settings.proto
protoc -I=proto --python_out=proto Monitoring.proto
pyuic5 ./src/main/resources/ui_qt/mainwindow.ui -o ./src/main/python/designs/
For all questions, please mail me [email protected]