Cross Platform Location Based Reminder App with Cloud Functionality.
To test the app yourself:
- Download the latest Checklst.apk release in your mobile device.
- Install the app.
- Ready to use! 😊
Show me the result, I'm too lazy to test: Checkout this video!
(1) Native Android Code
(2) Native iOS Code
(3) Assets folder
(4) Packages file, pubspec.yaml
(5) Flutter Code in Library Folder
This is a no brainer, "android/app/google-services.json"
Make sure app has a file in the
Project -> Android
folder, if not:-
Go to your
Project -> Android
Create a file
file -
Open the file and Paste your Android SDK path depending on the operating system: a. Windows
sdk.dir = C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/Android/sdk
b. Linux or MacOS
sdk.dir = /home/USERNAME/Android/sdk
with your user name
Next, in
add Google Maps API Key! -
If you don't have Google Maps Setup, follow Adding Google Maps API key to Android App precisely!
After setup, Run:
- flutter clean
- flutter doctor
- flutter pub get
- flutter run
iOS Specific, cd ios
- pod repo update
- pod update
- sudo gem install cocoapods
- pod setup
- flutter run
- Clone repo and create a new branch:
$ -b name_for_new_branch
. - Make changes and test.
- Submit Pull Request with comprehensive description of changes.