- Download the newest release this and put it into a folder
- Download https://github.com/warbler/SharpMonoInjector/releases/download/v2.2/SharpMonoInjector.Console.zip
- Unzip into the same folder
- Start the game and wait until it loaded into the main menu!!
- either
- start SDWaypointStarter.exe OR
- create a .bat file with the command: path to folder\smi.exe inject -p Stranded_Deep -a path to folder\SDWaypoints.dll -n SDWaypoints -c Loader -m Load
- Press F1 ingame to enter the menu
- Will show up when loaded into a world. Will NOT show in the main menu!
- Click the currently selected WP to open the WP manager
- Waypoints get saved here: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Beam Team Games\Stranded Deep\Data\Waypoints.json
- Saved Waypoints get loaded automatically
Seems to work on the epic version.
You are using this at your own risk
- V1
- release
- V2
- default hideallwaypoints setting is now false
- size of waypoints can now be adjusted
- waypoints automatically get saved after creating a new one