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This repository is my practice to implement a simple TODO-list in Vue/Vuex with TypeScript. For now, we have a beta version (v1.0) that enables users to add, remove, edit, and check your items in the TODO-list. Besides, we also provide a very simple classification for the status of each item (i.e, todo, done)

Besides, I also developed desktop version for TODO! using Electron. 🎉

HINT: If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.



  1. To run our production, you need to clone our project first
    $ git clone
  2. After cloning, change the your current directory into the repository and setup the project
    $ cd Vue-TodoList/ & yarn install
    • The command yarn install will install some necessary packages for this project
    • It will take few second for running above command
  3. Compiles and hot-reloads for development
    $ yarn serve
    • It will take few second for running above command
    • You won't get any error messages if running successful
  4. Congratulation! you can open your browser to http://localhost:8080 and see our TODO-list



  1. Make sure you have already install Node.js

  2. Install Vue-CLI for initializing the project

    $ yarn global add "@vue/cli"
  3. Create a Vue project via Vue-CLI

    $ vue create vue-todolist
    # You will need to do some settings below if succeed
    Vue CLI v4.2.3
    ? Please pick preset: Manually select features
    ? Check the feautures needed for your projects: TS, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter
    ? Use class-style component syntax? Yes
    ? Use Babel alognside Typescript? No
    ? Pick a CSS pre-processor? Sass/SCSS (with dart-sass)
    ? Pick a linter / formatter config: TSLint
    ? Pick a additional lint feautres: Lint on save
    ? Where do you prefer placing config for Babel, ESLint, etc.? In dedicated config files
    ? Save this as a preset for future projects? No
    • This will take a while for initializing the project

    • You will get the following message if initialized succeed.

      🎉 Successfully created project todolist.
      👉 Get started with the following commands:
          $ cd todolist
          $ yarn serve
      > **NOTES:** See [Configuration Reference](
  4. Change directory to your project and show all files

    $ cd Vue-TodoList/ & ls         package-lock.json public            tsconfig.json
    node_modules      package.json      src               tslint.json
  5. How to run the project on local machine?

    $ yarn serve
    # You will NOT get any error meesage if compiled succeed
    • If compiled succeed, you can open your browser to http://localhost:8080

Deploy on GitHub Pages

  1. To deploy our production, make sure your current directory is the root of this repository and run the following command
    $ yarn build
    • It will take few second for ruuning above command
    • You will get a new folder dist/ after building successful
    • You don't need to push dist/ on your GitHub because dist/ has already been ignored by git via .gitignore
  2. Before deploying, make sure you have already created your repository on GitHub
  3. Change the directory into dist/ and create a new branch for deploying on your GitHub Pages
    $ cd dist/
    # You need to initialize git due to dist/ is ignored as default
    $ git init
    $ git add -A
    $ git commit -m "Deploy on GitHub Pages"
    # Deploy to your GitHub repository on branch "gh-pages"
    $ git push -f master:gh-pages
    $ cd -
  4. After deploying, you can find it on your GitHub with branch gh-pages
  5. Open setting page of your repository and move to the section GitHub Pages
  6. Select Source of your GitHub Pages to gh-pages branch
  7. Congratulation! you can open your browser to the link of your GitHub Pages


NOTICE: You can follow the contributing process to join me. I am very welcome for any issue!
