🎉 🚀 Welcome to the first release of the census21api
What is this?
is the unofficial Python interface to the "create a custom dataset" tool for the 2021 England and Wales Census. You can use this package to retrieve tables of counts or metadata, mirroring the tool itself via its API.
If you want to know more about the package, have a gander at our documentation.
What to do?
- Install from GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/datasciencecampus/census21api.git
$ cd census21api
$ python -m pip install .
- Start interacting with the Census API:
>>> from census21api import CensusAPI
>>> api = CensusAPI()
>>> table = api.query_table("HRP", "nat", ("accommodation_type", "health_in_general"))
>>> table.head()
nat accommodation_type health_in_general count population_type
0 K04000001 1 -8 0 HRP
1 K04000001 1 1 2259577 HRP
2 K04000001 1 2 2342946 HRP
3 K04000001 1 3 879487 HRP
4 K04000001 1 4 211501 HRP
What's Changed
- Included the beginning of a readme file by @MichaelaLawrenceONS in #1
- added summary output for API wrapper by @EdCussONS in #2
- Create requirements.txt by @EdCussONS in #3
- merge UTD by @EdCussONS in #4
- Ed dev branch by @EdCussONS in #5
- Create .gitignore by @EdCussONS in #6
- Initial TKinter interface commit by @JoelPaullONS in #7
- save data functionality added by @JoelPaullONS in #8
- Deleted comments rewritten by @JoelPaullONS in #9
- class created for Interface by @JoelPaullONS in #10
- Reset button Added by @JoelPaullONS in #11
- Loop Function Added to APIWrapper Class, Interface Demo Added by @JoelPaullONS in #13
- create .csv functionality removed from Interface and written into Wra… by @JoelPaullONS in #14
- adding pytest test file by @SamanthaIacobONS in #12
- Added os. path finder functionality to create folder path if none exists by @JoelPaullONS in #17
- Ed cuss ons patch 1 by @EdCussONS in #21
- Testing branch by @SamanthaIacobONS in #19
- minor update by @SamanthaIacobONS in #22
- update to toml file by @EdCussONS in #23
- Ed branch2 by @EdCussONS in #24
- Call testing by @LucyAstleyJonesONS in #25
- Getting UTD from main by @EdCussONS in #26
- Module import paths changed to work with file reorganisation by @JoelPaullONS in #27
- Refactored code and added further usage comments by @JoelPaullONS in #28
- Rearranged and updated file names, added init.py by @JoelPaullONS in #29
- fixing conflicts with main by @EdCussONS in #30
- cleanup census_api_test by @RhodriCavellONS in #31
- added duck book by @YunusRabbaniONS in #32
- v0.0.1: Core development (pre-release) by @daffidwilde in #41
- Write some content for the documentation by @daffidwilde in #42
- Include methods in API reference by @daffidwilde in #43
- Expand documentation by @daffidwilde in #45
- Expand the population type metadata querist by @daffidwilde in #47
- Docs: how-to guides and clearer writing by @daffidwilde in #49
- Clean up
by @daffidwilde in #54 - Casting data types in table querist by @daffidwilde in #55
- Catching blocked pairs by @daffidwilde in #56
New Contributors
- @MichaelaLawrenceONS made their first contribution in #1
- @EdCussONS made their first contribution in #2
- @JoelPaullONS made their first contribution in #7
- @SamanthaIacobONS made their first contribution in #12
- @LucyAstleyJonesONS made their first contribution in #25
- @RhodriCavellONS made their first contribution in #31
- @YunusRabbaniONS made their first contribution in #32
Full Changelog: https://github.com/datasciencecampus/census21api/commits/0.0.1