Definitions and functions shared between gortsplib, gohlslib and MediaMTX, in particular:
- ITU-T Rec. T-871, JPEG File Interchange Format
- ITU-T Rec. H.264 (08/2021)
- ITU-T Rec. H.265 (08/2021)
- ISO 11172-3, Coding of moving pictures and associated audio
- ISO 13818-3, Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio: Audio
- ISO 14496-3, Coding of audio-visual objects, part 3, Audio
- AV1 Bitstream & Decoding Process
- AV1 Codec ISO Media File Format Binding
- VP9 Bitstream & Decoding Process Specification v0.6
- VP9 Codec ISO Media FIle Format Binding
- RFC6716, Definition of the Opus Audio Codec
- Opus in MP4/ISOBMFF