This is an implementation of a simple, adiabatic cloud parcel model for use in aerosol-cloud interaction studies. Rothenberg and Wang (2016) discuss the model in detail and its improvements and changes over Nenes et al (2001):
- Implementation of κ-Köhler theory for condensation physics (Petters and Kreidenweis, 2007)
- Extension of model to handle arbitrary sectional representations of aerosol populations, based on user-controlled empirical or parameterized size distributions
- Improved, modular numerical framework for integrating the model, including bindings
to several different stiff integrators:
- scipy ODEINT wrappervode, lsode*, lsoda*
- ODEPACK via odespycvode
- SUNDIALS via Assimulo
among other details. It also includes a library of droplet activation routines and scripts/notebooks for evaluating those schemes against equivalent calculations done with the parcel model.
As of version 1.3, we no longer support any ODE solver backends other than cvode
All publications using this model have used this backend, so users shouldn't expect
any inconsistencies with historical results. A future version is planned to add a new
suite of ODE solvers from the diffrax toolkit.
Updated code can be found the project github repository. If you'd like to use this code or have any questions about it, please contact the author. In particular, if you use this code for research purposes, be sure to carefully read through the model and ensure that you have tweaked/configured it for your purposes (i.e., modifying the accomodation coefficient); other derived quantities).
Detailed documentation is available, including a scientific description, installation details, and a basic example which produces a figure like the plot at the top of this page.
As of February, 2025, we provide an ultra simple way to run pyrcel
without any installation
or setup using pixi
is an all-in-one package management tool that makes handling complex environment
setup and dependencies extremely easy.
Clone or download this repo, then cd into the top-level folder from a terminal. From there, execute:
$ pixi run run_parcel examples/simple.yml
This will automatically prepare an environment with all of pyrcel
's dependencies installed,
and then run an example model setup.
The first time the model runs, it may take a few second after invoking the script; this is
normal, and is just a side-effect of numba
caching and pre-compiling some of the functions
used to drive the parcel model simulation.
We provide pixi
environments for Linux, MacOS (both Intel and Apple Silicon) and
Windows, but we have never tried to run the model on a Windows computer so your mileage
may vary. Contact the authors if you have any questions and we can try to support your
use case.
To get started with using pyrcel
, complete the following steps:
- Set up a new Python environment; we recommend using mambaforge:
$ mamba create -n pyrcel_quick_start python=3.11
- Activate the new Python environment and install the model and its dependencies. If you install the published version from PyPi (recommended), then you also need to install Assimulo using the Mamba package manager - but no other manual dependency installation is necessary:
$ mamba activate pyrcel_quick_start
$ pip install pyrcel
$ mamba install -c conda-forge assimulo
- Run a test simulation using the CLI tool and a sample YAML file from pyrcel/examples/*.yml (you may want to clone the repository or download them locally):
$ run_parcel simple.yml
- Visualize the output NetCDF (should be in the directory you ran the CLI tool, at output/
That's it! You should be able to import pyrcel
into any script or program running in the
environment you created.
Additionally, the following packages are used for better numerics (ODE solving)
The easiest way to satisfy the basic requirements for building and running the model is to use the Anaconda scientific Python distribution. Alternatively, a miniconda environment is provided to quickly set-up and get running the model. Assimulo's dependency on the SUNDIALS library makes it a little bit tougher to install in an automated fashion, so it has not been included in the automatic setup provided here; you should refer to Assimulo's documentation for more information on its installation process. Note that many components of the model and package can be used without Assimulo.
Please fork this repository if you intend to develop the model further so that the code's provenance can be maintained.
All scientific code should be licensed. This code is released under the New BSD (3-clause) license.
You are free to use this code however you would like. If you use this for any scientific work resulting in a publication or citation, please cite our original publication detailing the model, and let the authors know:
@article {
author = "Daniel Rothenberg and Chien Wang",
title = "Metamodeling of Droplet Activation for Global Climate Models",
journal = "Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences",
year = "2016",
publisher = "American Meteorological Society",
address = "Boston MA, USA",
volume = "73",
number = "3",
doi = "10.1175/JAS-D-15-0223.1",
pages= "1255 - 1272",
url = ""