CV | GitHub | Twitter | Data Science for Good repo | Awesome Data for Good
- AEDA - Python library to profile databases automatically. Former Auto-EDA
- Auto FES (docs) - Python library to analyze structured data from plain files automatically.
- Podcast escuchAI - Podcast about Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Big Data (in spanish) (Spotify) (Apple Podcasts) (SoundCloud)
- App - Paper Analysis. App to visualize information about a given paper.
- App - UNGA78 Speech Analysis.
- App - UNGA79 Speech Analysis.
- 2024-10-12 Talk "Starting Projects in Data4Good" at CorrelCon 2024 (slides).
- 2024-10-12 Worksop "(automated) Exploratory Data Analysis" at CorrelCon 2024 (slides, repo).
- 2024-09-24 Lecture Ciencia de datos para el estudio del despojo (spanish) with Dr. Nicolás Vargas Ramírez.
- 2024-07-08 Lecture "MLOps" at RPTU (slides, video).
- 2023-11-11 Workshop "Exploratory Data Analysis" at CorrelCon 2023, (slides, repo).
- 2023-09-06 Blogpost at DataKindUK's Medium: Putting your charity on the map
- 2022-12-14 Blogpost at DataKindUK's Medium: Top tips for working with sensitive text data.
- 2022-06 / 2022-09 Technical Mentor at the Data Science for Social Good xDFKI (DSSGxDFKI) 2022 summer program.
- 2022-03-31 Talk "A microservices architecture with Python and Docker containers" at Docker Community All-Hands #5, (slides, video).
- 2022-02 EngD in Computer Science thesis Data Science use cases in the Manufacturing Industry: From theory to practice.
- 2021-11-04 Talk Automated Exploratory Data Analysis of Databases at PyData Edinburgh Meetup, (slides).
- 2021-10-30 Lightning talk Automating the Exploration of Databases for Data Science with AEDA at PyData Global 2021, (slides, video).
- 2021-02-16 Interview at Towards Data Science blog The real AI Challenges into the Future, Do not worry, but worry with Rosaria Silipo.
- 2021-02-10 Blogpost at KDNugget My machine learning model does not learn. What should I do? with Rosaria Silipo.
- 2020-10-23 Talk "Desafíos en Inteligencia Artificial para el Bien Común", at IFICC (video)
- 2020-07-27 Talk "Docker and Containers for Data Science" at Social Data Society at DKUK, (slides) (demo)
- 2020-07-23 Paper MLJ: A Julia package for composable Machine Learning
- 2020-07-03 Blogpost at DataKindUK's Medium: What is it like to be a data for good volunteer?
- 2020-06 / 2020-09 Technical Mentor at the Data Science for Social Good UK (DSSGxUK) summer program.
- 2020-03-30 Guest lecture at Bath University on Challenges on the FATE of AI for Good, (slides) (video).
- 2020-01-23 Preprint paper Signals of recent tropical radiations in Cunoniaceae, an iconic family for understanding Southern Hemisphere biogeography.
- 2019-09-03 Lightning talk about Automated Exploratory Data Analysis on databases with Auto EDA at the 58th PyData London Meetup, (slides) (video).
- 2019-08-23 Paper Design choices for productive, secure, data-intensive research at scale in the cloud
- 2019-03-29 Talk "Radical automation of infrastructure and software for data science", Fourth Annual UK System Research Challenges Workshop, March 27–29, 2019 (programme) (slides)
- 2019-03-25 Poster Automated Feature Extraction from Databases for Data Analysis and Modelling SICSA PhD Conference 2019, Stirling, UK.
- 2019-02-20 Co-organisation of the Thinking Chile Seminars: Sharing Ideas in Edinburgh 2019.
- 2019-02-20 Talk AI National Strategies, Thinking Chile 2019, Seminar in Artificial Intelligence.
- 2018-05 Postition Paper Scalable Digital Volunteering: A Data for Social Good Marketplace
- 2018-04 Position Paper The Case for Data For Good
- 2018-04 Data Study Group team. (2019). Data Study Group Final Report: Global bank.
- 2018-02-08 Co-organisation of the Thinking Chile Seminars: Sharing ideas in Edinburgh 2018.
- 2018-02-08 Poster A Big Data Architecture for Chile. Thinking Chile Seminars 2018, Edinburgh, UK.
- 2017-12 Data Study Group team. (2018, September 13). Data Study Group Final Report: Codecheck. Zenodo.
- 2017-05-09 Talk Big Data Analytics y Data Science Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Sede Talca, VII Región, Chile.
- 2017-05-05 Talk Introducción a Data Science y Big Data Universidad de Talca, Sede Santiago, Chile.
- 2017-02-16 Talk Data Science with Docker, Edinburgh Docker Meetup, February 2017.
- 2016-11 MSc in Data Science dissertation project: Automatic hierarchical data extraction from relational databases.
- 2016-11-20 Podcast, invited guest to Datalatam, episode "Mesa redonda sobre la industria de datos" (in spanish)
- 2016-09-16 Talk Introduction to Data Edinburgh UN Global Goals Jam, 2016.
- 2016-09-11 Podcast, invited guest to Datalatam, episode "La diferencia entre Business Intelligence y Data Science" (in spanish)
- 2014-12-11 Talk Customer Intelligence, Oportunidades y Desafíos, Customer Intelligence Seminar, Universidad de Talca, Chile.
- 2011-07-01 Strategic Business Intelligence for NGOs, CEPIS Upgrade, European Journal for the Informatics Professional, Vol. XII, issue No. 3, July 2011, pag 38.
- 2009-03-14 Talk Qué es Business Intelligence, ExpoTIC, Curicó, Chile.