Command-line tool to remove shot noise from astronomical images and cubes.
brew tap danieljprice/all
brew install denoise
denoise image.fits [out.fits]
Type denoise with no arguments to see the command line options:
denoise: a SPLASH imaging utility (c) 2020 Daniel Price
Usage: denoise [options] infile.fits [outfile.fits]
Options: --imax=3.4e-2 [intensity value above which no smoothing is applied]
--beam=1.0 [beam size in pixels at max intensity]
--its=4 [maximum number of smoothing length iterations]
--use3D=1 [denoise in 3D for spectral cubes]
--start=1 [denoise from channel 1 onwards]
--end=10 [denoise only up to channel 10]
The main one is the --beam argument which sets the minimum beam size (in number of pixels). The default is beam=1.0 which gives no smoothing of the image at the maximum intensity.
To compile denoise from source you will need a Fortran compiler (gfortran) and the cfitsio library. Then compile denoise as follows:
git clone --recurse-submodules
export SYSTEM=gfortran
make install
If you need to specify the path to the cfitsio library, either set LD_LIBRARY_FLAGS, or the FITS_DIR environment variable to the location where the file can be found, e.g.
make FITS_DIR=$HOME/lib
MWC758 with VLT-SPHERE, from Benisty et al. (2015), before (left) and after (right) denoising
UX Tau with VLT-SPHERE, from Ménard et al. (2020), before and after
HD97048 with ALMA (mm/radio image), from Pinte et al. (2019):
Denoise is officially part of splash ( This repository is a standalone version of denoise that is updated with each stable release of splash that affects the relevant source files. Pull requests to this repo will also be incorporated back into the main splash source code.
To update the included `submodule' of the splash source code in the denoise repository, use:
git submodule update --remote