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Master of Computer Applications student: atITM
MP.INDIA, Working in Technology Services and Software.
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notebook Public
Forked from jupyter/notebookJupyter Interactive Notebook
amp-wp Public
Forked from ampproject/amp-wpEnable AMP on your WordPress site, the WordPress way.
amphtml Public
Forked from ampproject/amphtmlThe AMP web component framework.
ga-dev-tools Public
Forked from googleanalytics/ga-dev-toolsA showcase of demos and tools built with the various Google Analytics APIs and Libraries.
TLE Public
Forked from cheran-senthil/TLE🤖 Discord Bot for Competitive Programming
opensource.guide Public
Forked from github/opensource.guide📚 Community guides for open source creators
manim Public
Forked from 3b1b/manimAnimation engine for explanatory math videos
AIND-Simulated_Annealing Public
Forked from udacity/AIND-Simulated_AnnealingJupyter notebook exercise to check your understanding of simulated annealing
python-pluralsight Public
Forked from danielabar/python-pluralsightLearning Python with Pluralsight
perseus Public
Forked from 3b1b/perseusPerseus is Khan Academy's new exercise question editor and renderer.