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Chris edited this page Jul 15, 2019 · 1 revision

In the tradition of some of the best roguelikes, the plot of Ashgard Keep is a simple one. Your quest is to reach the top of the tower and retrieve an ancient artifact.

Centuries ago, the Keep was home to a mage of the evil variety who stole a powerful magical runestone and used it to power his dark magic. The mage is now long gone, killed in the 100 year long Wizards War, and in his absence all manner of evil creatures have taken up residence in the keep. Attracted by the traces of magic and the siren song of the runestone.

You are a rogue, a rogue wizard with latent magical ability who has never had the training needed to harness your power. You have decided to retrieve the artifact from the top of the keep and make your name as an adventurer.

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