Complete all part of the coursework
Implemented all features required for garbled circuit construction and evaluation
Implemented oblivious transfer protocol
Implemented other code e.g. in main to make it runable
JSON circuit for Millionaires in ./json/f.million.json
How to run the code:
Typically use two different terminal, one for bob and one for alice
run "make bob" for bob and
run "make alice" or other test case like "make bool" for alice
if you run "make bob" first,
you will get output looks like output_given in ./out.txt
if you run "make alice" first,
you will get almost same output except the first line
"python3 alice json/f.bool.json"
is likely to be missing in ./out.txt
In order to make output looks good, we use sleep function to delay the IO
but it will not take too much time to run it.
The DEBUG button is in,
simply change DEBUG = 1, run the code again,
the detail will be showed on the terminal.
if you change DEBUG = 2, run the code again,
the extremely detail will be showed on the terminal
Garble Circuit parts files:
super class: Circuits Wire shared with alice and bob
sub-class: AliceCircuits Gate AliceWire used by alice
BobCircuits GarbleTable used by bob
and some util functions encryption and decryption function and some util functions
OT parts files :
functions : Alice's terminal in OT.
Alice inputs message0 and message1 and gets nothing from OT.
functions : Bob's terminal in OT.
Bob inputs a bit b to select a message and Bob gets a real message from OT.
Including two classes.
class Alice :
functions : according to an IND-CPA version of DHIES and
the optimization of smart,
in Alice class, Alice encrypts messages.
class Bob:
functions : according to an IND-CPA version of DHIES and
the optimization of smart,
in Bob class,
Bob double-encrypts pairs of messages and
then decrypts messages.
Other code:
class Alice: everything alice should do to generate truth table like output_given
class bob: everything bob should do