Install all the packages from requirments.txt
- Download train and test datasets manually or they will be automatically downloaded from torchvision datasets.
- Experiments are run on Mnist and Cifar.
We provide shell scripts to run all the approaches mentioned in our paper, except for GTG-Shapley. For the implementation of GTG-Shapley, please refer to
Before running the commands, navigate to the source code directory src/:
cd src
To calculate the actual Shapley value, run:
For SPACE, run:
For SPACE(Avg), run:
For DIG-FL, run:
For TMC-Shapley, run:
For Group Testing, run:
Note that the shell script runs all the local training sequentially. To run local training in parallel, add --RPC to the command.
To evaluate the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) between the estimated Shapley value and the actual Shapley value, run:
python3 --m1 gt+tmc+digfl+fedavg+ka
The result will be saved in save/Contribution_results/
For SPACE, run:
For SPACE (Average), run:
For DIG-FL, run:
To plot the reweighting result, run:
python3 --m1 digfl+fedavg+KA
The result will be saved in save/Reweighting_results/
For the client selection task, run:
Note that the default implementation amalgamates 100 clients simultaneously. If there is limited GPU memory capacity, you can change the --t_num parameter to adjust the number of teachers in knowledge amalgamation.
To plot the result, run:
The results will be saved in src/clustered_sampling/plots/