A protoc plugin for generating a twirp client suitable for iOS and macOS projects. Inspired by the Twirp typescript plugin.
The protobuf v3 compiler is required. You can get the latest precompiled binary for your system here:
While not required for generating the client code, it is required to run the server component of the example.
go get github.com/twitchtv/twirp/protoc-gen-twirp
go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
# generate go files
protoc -I . --twirp_out=. --go_out=:. example/cmd/haberdasher/service.proto
# start server
cd example/cmd
go run main.go
- protoc-gen-swift Generate protoc swift files.
# install
go get -u github.com/CrazyHulk/protoc-gen-swiftwirp
protoc --swift_out=:. --swiftwirp_out=:. ./example/cmd/haberdasher/service.proto
All generated files will be placed relative to the specified output directory for the plugin.
Note that there can not same files in module, the generate files will named with namespace.
Using the Twirp hashberdasher proto:
var c = Haberdasher_Haberdasher()
c.hostname = ""
var req = Haberdasher_Size()
req.inches = 10
c.makeHat(size: req) { resp in
The plugin parameters should be added in the same manner as other protoc plugins. Key/value pairs separated by a single equal sign, and multiple parameters comma separated.
Run the server:
cd example/cmd
go run main.go
In a new terminal run the client:
cd example/swift/service
swift build
swift run