INRAE @gnpis
- France
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9040-8733
The light frontend for BioChatter, in pure Python
Scripts and utilities for leveraging SKM resources
A REST API to query SPARQL endpoint using Apache Superset BI tool
Alternative sparql endpoing via InterMine api -> elastic search -> triples -> qlever or virtuoso -> Apache superset
Master the command line, in one page
Code snippets to be used during the BrAPI 101: Introduction to BrAPI class
KnetMaps: a BioJS component to visualize biological knowledge networks
Development of schemas and ontologies for the agrifood, inspired to schema.org and bioschemas.
This is a template to pipeline with the best practises for the development of bioinformatics analysis pipelines with nextflow and geniac (Automatic Configuration GENerator and Installer for nextflo…
Python regular expressions made easy
Validator for JSON schema based metadata
Sparnatural : visual knowledge graph explorer with SPARQL, in the browser, configurable with SHACL
Issue tracker, technical wiki, and example markup
Flapjack is a multi-platform application providing interactive visualizations of high-throughput genotype data, allowing for rapid navigation and comparisons between lines, markers and chromosomes.
This repo is for the metadata schemas associated with the HCA
For finding, sharing and exchanging Data, Models, Simulations and Processes in Science.
Elixir Excelerate Demonstrator 4.3
Harvest and index meta data from BrAPI endpoints for data access through the plant-faidare data lookup portal (https://github.com/elixir-europe/plant-faidare).
JavaScript BrAPI Client with support for asynchronous interdependent calls.