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zmanian committed Sep 8, 2020
2 parents 9469598 + a9547b5 commit 2f82b06
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Showing 401 changed files with 20,184 additions and 5,739 deletions.
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions .clang-format
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@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/docker.yml
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ jobs:
id: date
run: echo "::set-output name=date::$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')"
- name: Publish to Docker Hub
uses: docker/build-push-action@v1.1.0
uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
repository: interchainio/simapp
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
Expand Down
17 changes: 11 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Ref:
## [Unreleased]

### Client Breaking

* (modules) [\#7243]( Rename `RegisterCodec` to `RegisterLegacyAminoCodec` and `codec.New()` is now renamed to `codec.NewLegacyAmino()`
* (cli) [\#6651]( The `gentx` command has been improved. No longer are `--from` and `--name` flags required. Instead, a single argument, `name`, is required which refers to the key pair in the Keyring. In addition, an optional
`--moniker` flag can be provided to override the moniker found in `config.toml`.
* (api) [\#6426]( The ability to start an out-of-process API REST server has now been removed. Instead, the API server is now started in-process along with the application and Tendermint. Configuration options have been added to `app.toml` to enable/disable the API server along with additional HTTP server options.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ older clients.

### API Breaking Changes

* (x/evidence) [\#7251]( New evidence types and light client evidence handling. The module function names changed.
* (modules) [\#6564]( Constant `DefaultParamspace` is removed from all modules, use ModuleName instead.
* (client) [\#6525]( Removed support for `indent` in JSON responses. Clients should consider piping to an external tool such as `jq`.
* (x/staking) [\#6451]( `DefaultParamspace` and `ParamKeyTable` in staking module are moved from keeper to types to enforce consistency.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,11 +130,11 @@ be used to retrieve the actual proposal `Content`. Also the `NewMsgSubmitProposa
* (modules) [\#6311]( Remove `alias.go` usage
* (x/auth) [\#6443]( Move `FeeTx` and `TxWithMemo` interfaces from `x/auth/ante` to `types`.
* (modules) [\#6447]( Rename `blacklistedAddrs` to `blockedAddrs`.

Migration guide:

cliCtx := context.CLIContext{}
cliCtx := context.CLIContext{}

Now becomes:
Expand All @@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ be used to retrieve the actual proposal `Content`. Also the `NewMsgSubmitProposa
* (client/rpc) [\#6290]( `RegisterRoutes` of rpc is moved from package client to client/rpc and client/rpc.RegisterRPCRoutes is removed.
* (client/lcd) [\#6290]( `CliCtx` of struct `RestServer` in package client/lcd has been renamed to `ClientCtx`.
* (types) [\#6327]( `sdk.Msg` now inherits `proto.Message`, as a result all `sdk.Msg` types now use pointer semantics.
* (codec) [\#6330]( `codec.RegisterCrypto` has been moved to the `crypto/codec` package and the global `codec.Cdc` Amino instance has been deprecated and moved to the `codec/legacy_global` package.
* (codec) [\#6330]( `codec.RegisterCrypto` has been moved to the `crypto/codec` package and the global `codec.Cdc` Amino instance has been deprecated and moved to the `codec/legacy_global` package.
* (x/ibc) [\#6374]( `VerifyMembership` and `VerifyNonMembership` now take a `specs []string` argument to specify the proof format used for verification. Most SDK chains can simply use `commitmenttypes.GetSDKSpecs()` for this argument.
* (crypto/types/multisig) [\#6373]( `multisig.Multisignature` has been renamed to `AminoMultisignature`
* (x/auth) [\#6428](
Expand All @@ -157,15 +158,19 @@ be used to retrieve the actual proposal `Content`. Also the `NewMsgSubmitProposa
* (modules) [\#6734]( Add `TxEncodingConfig` parameter to `AppModuleBasic.ValidateGenesis` command to support JSON tx decoding in `genutil`.
* (genesis) [\#7000]( The root `GenesisState` is now decoded using `encoding/json` instead of amino so `int64` and `uint64` types are now encoded as integers as opposed to strings.
* (types) [\#7032]( All types ending with `ID` (e.g. `ProposalID`) now end with `Id` (e.g. `ProposalId`), to match default Protobuf generated format. Also see [\#7033]( for more details.
* (store) [\#5803]( The `store.CommitMultiStore` interface now includes the new `snapshots.Snapshotter` interface as well.

### Features

* (vesting) [\#7209]( Create new `MsgCreateVestingAccount` message type along with CLI handler that allows for the creation of delayed and continuous vesting types.
* (events) [\#7121]( The application now drives what events are indexed by Tendermint via the `index-events` configuration in `app.toml`, which is a list of events taking the form `{eventType}.{attributeKey}`.
* [\#6089]( Transactions can now have a `TimeoutHeight` set which allows the transaction to be rejected if it's committed at a height greater than the timeout.
* (tests) [\#6489]( Introduce package `testutil`, new in-process testing network framework for use in integration and unit tests.
* (crypto/multisig) [\#6241]( Add Multisig type directly to the repo. Previously this was in tendermint.
* (rest) [\#6167]( Support `max-body-bytes` CLI flag for the REST service.
* (x/ibc) [\#5588]( Add [ICS 024 - Host State Machine Requirements]( subpackage to `x/ibc` module.
* (baseapp) [\#5803]( Added support for taking state snapshots at regular height intervals, via options `snapshot-interval` and `snapshot-keep-recent`.
* (store) [\#5803]( Added `rootmulti.Store` methods for taking and restoring snapshots, based on `iavl.Store` export/import.
* (x/ibc) [\#5277]( `x/ibc` changes from IBC alpha. For more details check the the [`x/ibc/spec`]( directory:
* [ICS 002 - Client Semantics]( subpackage
* [ICS 003 - Connection Semantics]( subpackage
Expand All @@ -189,7 +194,7 @@ be used to retrieve the actual proposal `Content`. Also the `NewMsgSubmitProposa
* (types) [\#7038]( Fix infinite looping of `ApproxRoot` by including a hard-coded maximum iterations limit of 100.
* (simulation) [\#7129]( Fix support for custom `Account` and key types on auth's simulation.
* (types) [\#7084]( Fix panic when calling `BigInt()` on an uninitialized `Int`.
* (x/bank) [\#6536]( Fix bug in `WriteGeneratedTxResponse` function used by multiple
* (x/bank) [\#6536]( Fix bug in `WriteGeneratedTxResponse` function used by multiple
REST endpoints. Now it writes a Tx in StdTx format.
* (x/staking) [\#6529]( Export validator addresses (previously was empty).
* (export) [\#6510]( Field TimeIotaMs now is included in genesis file while exporting.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,7 +325,7 @@ pagination.
* (baseapp) [\#6053]( Customizable panic recovery handling added for `app.runTx()` method (as proposed in the [ADR 22]( Adds ability for developers to register custom panic handlers extending standard ones.
* (store) [\#6481]( Move `SimpleProofsFromMap` from Tendermint into the SDK.
* (store) [\#6719]( Add validity checks to stores for nil and empty keys.
* (types) \#6897 Add KV type from tendermint to `types` directory.
* (types) \#6897 Add KV type from tendermint to `types` directory.

## [v0.39.0] - 2020-07-20

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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -312,11 +312,14 @@ devdoc-update:
### Protobuf ###

proto-all: proto-tools proto-gen proto-lint proto-check-breaking proto-swagger-gen
proto-all: proto-tools proto-gen proto-lint proto-check-breaking proto-swagger-gen proto-format


find ./ -not -path "./third_party/*" -name *.proto -exec clang-format -i {} \;

# This generates the SDK's custom wrapper for google.protobuf.Any. It should only be run manually when needed
Expand All @@ -338,7 +341,7 @@ proto-check-breaking-docker:
@$(DOCKER_BUF) check breaking --against-input $(HTTPS_GIT)#branch=master
.PHONY: proto-check-breaking-ci

Expand Down

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