gulp-continuous-concat Public
Forked from gulp-community/gulp-concatStreaming concat middleware for gulp
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 3, 2022 -
serverless-vpc-discovery Public
Forked from env0/serverless-vpc-discoveryServerless plugin for discovering VPC / Subnet / Security Group configuration by name.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 10, 2020 -
voicemask Public
Forked from roger8849/voicemaskarduino code for my light up face mask
C++ UpdatedJul 3, 2020 -
angular-multi-select Public
Forked from alexandernst/angular-multi-selectA multi select dropdown directive for AngularJS.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 13, 2015 -
bootstrap Public
Forked from twbs/bootstrapThe most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
CSS MIT License UpdatedSep 21, 2015 -
jquery-additional Public
The additional plugin allows you to hide extra content and display it by clicking an anchor. You can set the event type, the anchors target, and show how many you want visible through the data attr…
UpdatedJul 27, 2015 -
jquery-jangle Public
jAngle is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 (or appropriate MS filters) to rotate an element around a 360 degree axis.
jquery-restricted Public
The jQuery plugin restricted allows you to restrict alphabetical or numeric characters. It defaults to restricting just special characters and allows alphanumeric input. You can specify restriction…
UpdatedJul 27, 2015 -
jquery-switcher Public
The switcher plugin allows you to switch the content being displayed. You can set a callback, the event type, a slide option and the content target (required) you want to switch.
UpdatedJul 27, 2015 -
jquery-maxlength Public
The jQuery maxlength plugin allows you to use the maxlength attribute on textarea elements in browsers that do not support it.
UpdatedJul 27, 2015 -
jquery-indeterminate Public
Indeterminate is a jQuery plugin that updates checkboxes based on the parent/child relationship. If a parent checkbox checked/unchecked, all children subsequently become checked/unchecked. If a chi…
UpdatedJul 27, 2015 -
jquery-session-timeout Public
The jQuery Session Timeout plugin provides the end-user with a modal dialog when their session is about to expire and allows them to logout or keep their session alive.
HTML UpdatedJul 27, 2015 -
jquery-progress Public
The jQuery progress method will poll a given url and update the current progress of an action. Expects the 'url' to return an object with the following properties: finished, value, max
HTML UpdatedJul 27, 2015 -
jquery-ui-datadriven Public
Data-driven is a jQuery UI override (see 'Duck Punch' or 'Monkey Patch') that extends the options of jQuery UI widgets to your HTML via the HTML5 data attribute. Options can be initiliazed/setup on…
jquery-ui-multimenu Public
multimenu is a jQuery UI widget that transforms a takes a list of checkboxes/radio buttons and adds them into a dropdown widget to provide a better User Experience when you need to select multiple …
HTML UpdatedJul 27, 2015 -
jquery-ui-rotator Public
jQuery UI Rotator is a jQuery UI widget that cycles through any number of ads, content or images.
HTML UpdatedApr 9, 2015 -
jquery-ui-please-wait Public
PleaseWait is an event-driven jQuery UI widget that displays a dialog box and updateable progress bar, to indicate to your users that your application is currently busy or processing data.
jquery-ui-switch-button Public
Switch Button is a jQuery UI widget that mimics the iPhone style toggle for on and off states.
HTML UpdatedApr 9, 2015 -
private-bower Public
Forked from Hacklone/private-bowerA simple private bower registry
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 23, 2015 -
jquery-plugin-boilerplate Public
The jQuery plugin boilerplate provides a generic outline for creating a jQuery plugin. This is not operational code and can be modified to meet your specific needs.
UpdatedNov 3, 2014 -
jquery-resize Public
The jquery-resize plugin helps fix an IE8 and older bug where <select> menu's with a fixed width cuts off the option text that exceeds that the fixed width.
UpdatedOct 30, 2014 -
jquery-plinq Public
Display links in parentheses when printing a page
JavaScript UpdatedMay 29, 2014 -
jquery-inverter Public
inverter is a jQuery plugin that uses the HTML5 canvas element or CSS filters to invert the colors of an image.
2 UpdatedMay 29, 2014