Core Developer Playground is a step-by-step developement guide that is designed to help developers learn about Web3 development using Core blockchain.
It's a Next.js app that uses React, TypeScript and Solidity based smart contracts.
The Core Dev Playground covers the fundamentals of setting up Web3 wallets for use with Core blockchain and also guides you through using the various blockchain JavaScript SDKs to interact with the Core network. You will also further learn to create, test, and deploy smart contracts and read and write data to them.
By following all of the lessons in the Core Dev Playground, at the end you will be able to build and run your dApps on Core.
The best way to use this playground is using Replit. Replit provides prebuilt developer environments in your browser, powered by VS Code. Just sign in, fork the Core Dev Playground Repl and you'll be up and running in seconds without having to do any manual setup 🔥
Make sure you have installed git, Node.js (Please install v14.17.0, we recommend using nvm) and yarn.
Then clone the repo, install dependencies and start the server by running all these commands:
git clone
cd core-dev-playground
yarn dev
If you encounter any errors during this process, please join our Discord for help.
Feel free to also open an Issue or a Pull Request on the repo itself.
-- ❤️ The Core Team