Unity Client for the CognitiveXR Client
Tested with Unity 2019.4.30f1
- Add NuGet for Unity by following the instructions https://github.com/GlitchEnzo/NuGetForUnity
- Install MQTTnet 3.1.1 via the NuGet package manager
- Add the cognitivexr client via the Unity package manager with the option
add package from git URL...
and add 'https://github.com/cognitivexr/cognitivexr-unity-client'. This downloads the cognitivexr client from github. - Install MRTK by following the instructions on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/mrtk-unity/?view=mrtkunity-2021-05
CPOP uses MQTT for commmunication and returns the following informations:
float Timestamp;
string Type;
Coordinates Position;
List<Coordinates> Shape;
CpopSubscriber cpopSubscriber;
string CpopServerAddress = "localhost";
cpopSubscriber = new CpopSubscriber(new CpopServerOptions{ Server = CpopServerAddress});
replace localhost
with the IP adress of the cpop server.
private void Update()
if (cpopSubscriber.Queue.TryDequeue(out CpopData cpopData))
// your implementation
Sample: https://github.com/cognitivexr/unity-demo-app CPOPExample.unity
- Connect to the mediator
//create a mediator client
mediatorClient = new MediatorClient("ws://");
- Get available engines
// returns a list of available engines from the mediator
List<Engine> engines = await mediatorClient.GetEngines();
- Starting an engine
// returns the address of the engine after launch
string address = await mediatorClient.StartEngine(engine);
After telling the mediator to launch an engine a connection to it can be established. An engine consists out of two parts. A sender component and a receiver componen
Create a StreamSpec object to configure the connection
StreamSpec streamSpec = new StreamSpec
engineAddress = engineAddress, // address of the engine that the mediator returned
attributes = new Attributes() // additional configurations
// create a send channel
JpgSendChannel sendChannel = new JpgSendChannel(resolution.width, resolution.height);
// create receive channel
FaceReceiveChannel receiveChannel = new FaceReceiveChannel()
// start engine
EngineClient engineClient = new EngineClient(streamSpec, sendChannel, receiveChannel);
Implements the serialization of sending data to the engine. For example JpgSendChannel
encodes a jpeg and sends it to the engine.
JpgSendChannel jpgSendChannel = engineClient.GetSendChannel<JpgSendChannel>();
uint? frameId = jpgSendChannel?.Send(frame);
Waits for new messages from the engine and implements the parsing of them.
For example DebugReceiveChannel
// get receive channel from engine
var receiveChannel = engineClient.GetReceiveChannel<FaceReceiveChannel>();
// gets engine results
List<FaceEngineResult> faceEngineResults = await receiveChannel.Next<FaceEngineResult>();
Example: https://github.com/cognitivexr/unity-demo-app CogStreamExample.unity