Fully Responsive Digital Card Contact (E-Cards) Website. With QR Scanner and QR code for each profile Get all your Business contacts where ever when ever you want.
Website Testing
Download the latest database.sql file. Few Accouts have already been created for Testing and Demo purpose.
Step 1: Create a database called e-cards and import everything from database.sql file. Next check your db.php file for database connection configuration
Step2: Now you login as candidate with following details
Email: [email protected]
Password: testtest
When you try to Sign-in with your Email-Id A Email will be sent to your Registered E-mail to activate your account.
Candidates Email Confirmation:
You CANNOT send emails from localhost server. So when you create a new candidate account it will not send any emails. So you must go to database, find that user and set
in order to make that account login. If you are testing on real server then you can uncomment the following code fromadduser.php
// Send Email
// $to = $email;
// $subject = "E-Cards - Confirm Your Email Address";
// $message = '
// <html>
// <head>
// <title>Confirm Your Email</title>
// <body>
// <p>Click Link To Confirm</p>
// <a href="yourdomain/verify.php?hash='.$hash.'">Verify Email</a>
// <br>
// <p>Or else click on this Link</p>
// <a href="yourdomain/verify.php?hash='.$hash.'">yourdomain/verify.php?hash='.$hash.'</a>
// </body>
// </html>
// ';
// $headers[] = 'MIME-VERSION: 1.0';
// $headers[] = 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1';
// $headers[] = 'To: '.$to;
// $headers[] = 'From: [email protected]';
//you add more headers like Cc, Bcc;
// $result = mail($to, $subject, $message, implode("\r\n", $headers)); // \r\n will return new line.
// if($result === TRUE) {
//If data inserted successfully then Set some session variables for easy reference and redirect to login
// $_SESSION['registerCompleted'] = true;
// header("Location: login.php");
// exit();
// }
Make sure to change the mail ID {[email protected]} and {yourdomain} to the credentials you want. then comment the following code below from adduser.php
$_SESSION['registerCompleted'] = true;
header("Location: login.php");
Along with adduser.php, When you are testing on real server go to updateforgotpassword
and email_link.php
to change the from address {[email protected]} and {yourdomain} to your email-id and your domain path.
QR Code
The QR right now will be pointing to "http://localhost/test/view-profile.php" . So you wont be able to load it, Go to
and change the following code.
<img src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=200x200&cht=qr&chl=http://localhost/test/view-profile.php?id=<?php echo $row['id_user']; ?>&choe=UTF-8" class="card-img" id="myImg" alt="QR Code" style="float:right;margin-right:15px;" />
possibly on line no:123 change http://localhost/test/ to the path where you have downloaded the code.
Also go to view-profile.php
and change the same line of code at line no:110
QR Scanner
We have used a HTML5 QR Scanner which works with most of the browsers using webcam. credits to instascan https://github.com/schmich/instascan.