Last master
branch's (version 1.0.4) statistics :
There are currently no effective Twitter clients on Windows and Linux. The goal of Lyrebird is to fix this, support macOS, and remain fully open-source.
Hopefully this works out.
- A Java 10+ development kit with JavaFX components included (i.e. an Oracle JDK or an OpenJDK+OpenJFX combo)
- Apache Maven (works at least with version 3.5.2)
- For native images you need either InnoSetup tools on Windows or
on Linux depending on what system you want to target. You can only build native images for the current system type.
Any of the following (execute command in this README's directory):
- Execute only (no packaging):
cd lyrebird && mvn clean spring-boot:run
- For a native image:
cd lyrebird && mvn clean jfx:native -DskipTests
- For a portable JAR file
mvn clean package -DskipTests
Log in
Tweets-based systems
- Base systems :
- Timeline
- Mentions
- Direct messages
- Display features :
- Basic textual display
- Display username, @screenname and user profile picture
- Display for chosen list
- Text highlighting
- Mentions
- Color
- Clickable
- Hashtags
- Color
- Clickable
- URLs
- Color
- Clickable
- Mentions
- Media embedding
- Officially supported
- Twitter image embedding
- Twitter video embedding
- Twitter gif images embedding
- Easy embedding
- Direct image embedding
- Direct video embedding
- Why is it not easy to do ?
- Youtube video embedding
- Officially supported
- Data loading features :
- Seeking older tweets by-demand (scroll or button)
- Seek newer tweets all the time using streaming API
- Base systems :
- Support text
- Support attachments
- Support geolocation
Interraction with tweet
- Reply
- Quote
- Like (formerly favourite)
- Retweet
Please do!
It should be fairly easy to understand the general idea of the back-end model for any seasoned Java developer with some Spring Framework experience.
For the UI/JavaFX model a lot of the work is delegated to a JavaFX framework called EasyFXML which you can read about here.