This is my first attempt at a vim plugin bundle. I’m sure there are dragons in here. :-)
I’m currently using Pathogen and am assuming you are too. That means you should be able to do:
git clone git:// bundle/jasmine
inside of your ~/.vim directory. If you’re using submodules to track your bundles:
git submodule add git:// bundle/jasmine
git submodule init
git submodule update
This plugin is pretty basic right now. It currently:
- Sets *Spec.js and *SpecHelper.js files to filetype=jasmine.javascript syntax=jasmine
- Sets * and * files to syntax=jasmine
- Applies basic syntax highlighting for jasmine keywords in addition to normal javascript syntax
- Loads snippets for the jasmine filetype for:
- desc: description block with
- before: beforeEach block
- after: afterEach block
- it: it…expect block
- helper: beforeEach block and addMatcher/matcher blocks for SpecHelper.js
- matcher: matcher block for SpecHelper.js
- expect: line
- spy: spyOn method
- Uses templates for new jasmine buffers
- Runs all specs in jasmine:ci and shows Red/Green bar
You can disable templating by setting g:jasmine_use_templates=""
By default, the plugin assumes the templates are in bundle/jasmine/template and the snippets are in bundle/jasmine/snippets. You can override those by setting g:jasmine_snippets_directory and g:jasmine_templates_directory in your vimrc
I’m slowly working on interactive spec running support. Currently, the Jasmine() command is provided for jasmine buffers. When invoked, it searches the current/parent directories of that buffer for the nearest Rakefile and invokes rake jasmine:ci to run all specs.
Jasmine buffers now have compiler set to the jasmine compiler and leader-m is mapped to run :Jasmine → jasmine#run_tests → :make → rake jasmine:ci
If the specs fail, the bottom buffer status turns Red. If all specs pass, the status turns Green.
I plan on adding quickfix error support.
- Add commands/functions to run a spec, a spec file
- Add QuickFix error buffer support
- docs help file