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Quick low profile backlinks that I didn't bother adding to repo https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship#backlinks
2021-04-08 after updating LinkedIn profile with some Chinese action, got profile views from the following companies:
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/weber-shandwick/about/ Weber Shandwick Public Relations & Communications https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weber_Shandwick They specifically have a .cn website as well: http://www.webershandwick.cn/?lang=en "Managing activist campaigns" specifically mentions "Managing activist campaigns". Their VP, Corporate Communications, Terri Liu (刘朝晖) is ex-Xinhua News... https://www.linkedin.com/in/terri-liu-7921a167/?originalSubdomain=cn
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/prsa/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Relations_Society_of_America "Public Relations Society of America". Sample China activity: https://apps.prsa.org/Learning/Calendar/display/5979/Demystifying_Corporate_Communications_and_Public_R#.YG7s9nWYWV4 "Demystifying Corporate Communications and Public Relations in China" by Matthew Wisla and Steve Zenofsky
2021-03-21 https://blog.daum.net/indipekr/550 daum.net is a Korean portal. daum is an one of those old style web portals that lived for much longer in Asia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daum_(web_portal) and at some point they added blogs.
is the username of the anonymous blog owner. They link to a few other blog posts about Chinese economic influence in Korea. The formatting of that site is insane, quite interesting. Google translate of their comment about this repo:It would be nice to look at the data below. Since it is a place with a vast amount of data, it will be impossible to look at it at once, but I hope that it will be an opportunity to properly judge the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party by looking at it one by one every time.
2021-03-27 https://www.reddit.com/r/chonglangTV/comments/mdlowp/ciro这人行能处/ "ciro这人行,能处!" anti-CCP sub praising Ciro Santilli
2021-03-18 https://twitter.com/Dogbert_Catbert/status/1372351200163631108 by an anonymous pro freedom of speech anti-CCP republican. Also at mentions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon_Yue , an NTD approved Chinese born republican politician who fled the CCP's horrors: https://www.ntd.com/economic-takedown-of-chinas-communist-party-solomon-yue_489972.html Although he's anti-CCP, Solomon does look like a crook.
2021-03-12 https://boards.4channel.org/vt/thread/1403290/really-makes-you archived at: https://archive.nyafuu.org/vt/thread/1403290 Did not see it in time for direct archive.
https://boards.4channel.org/vt/ is a Vtubber sub, so possibly started by CrunkLord after recent comment at: https://git.kiwifarms.net/CrunkLord420/chainboard/issues/1#issuecomment-23 Ciro would also like to know WTF pixiv has so many wumaos.
The title is "really makes you" and it links to https://github.com/cirosantilli/china-dictatorship/issues/171 with a screenshot.
https://archive.nyafuu.org/vt/thread/1283310/ asks about heir incomprehensible 5 slang words which most comments are made entirely of. Comments with a brain include:
This is a Chink LARPing. You can tell by the broken Japanese and the fact that they just typed an English word like chinks do instead of substituting it with katakana. Typical Chink behavior, like when they made all those Holo impersonation accounts.
definition of LARP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_action_role-playing_game
The fuck's all this? Apparently that repository is some guy who thinks he can take down the CCP by attacking websites they censor and therefore making censorship more expensive until they just stop doing it or something. And some Chinese drone is telling to stop by impersonating a small Japanese vtuber that streams on Bilibili? Is that what's going on? How did you even get into this rabbit hole, OP?
non-programmers don't understand what Stack Overflow is :-)
2021-02-26 http://kiwifarms.net/threads/i-got-banned-from-github.85618/ but it currently leads to "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." 85619 is the last thread that exists (also not visible (edit: it because visible, but 85618 still isn't)). So presumably these have been posted on https://kiwifarms.net/forums/prospering-grounds.92/ before they become public. This was triggered by Ciro commenting at https://git.kiwifarms.net/CrunkLord420/chainboard/issues/1 after CrunkLord420 created a mirror of china-dictatorship at: https://git.kiwifarms.net/CrunkLord420/china-dictatorship so presumably CrunkLord420 is the author
2020-10-25 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24888868 "Attacking the Great Firewall with blocked keywords" by melvyn2. Did not gain traction unfortunately. GitHub username hit: https://github.com/melvyn2 "Melvyn Depeyrot". Screenshot on a likely Russian web archive followed: https://www.site-shot.com/QYY7KBb-EeuYLgJCrBEABQ
2020-09 https://stackoverflow.com/users/11246496/z9 Z9. | https://archive.vn/RdctJ "Also, why the racist profile pic? It implies that coronavirus came from China, which isn't an attack on CCP. It's an attack on Chinese PEOPLE.". A triggered little pink. ( https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/267715/is-stack-overflow-accessible-in-china/288497#288497 )
2020-10-03 gem5 mailing list comments: an anonymous user with email 1154063264 at qq told Ciro Santilli: "Please change your avatar." in reply to technical issue: https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]&q=subject:%22%5C%5Bgem5%5C-users%5C%5D+Re%5C%3A+Segmentation+fault+in+gem5%2C%22&o=newest&f=1 They were then reproached by project committee member Gabe Black from Google. Then a Tao Zhang from Alibaba, US-based, came along to support it: https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg18417.html | https://archive.vn/jmPRS | https://twitter.com/taozhang0924 | https://github.com/tzhang0924 He posted a screenshot from Jason's page, the project lead, with a Disqus comment with COVID Xi Disqus showing, and mentioned Ciro's GitHub and Stack Overflow. In case Jason chooses to delete it later on: http://www.lowepower.com/jason/setting-up-gem5-full-system.html#comment-3682971567 | https://archive.vn/y5HTI And now, one's character is publicly and simply tested. The Internet is a great marvel. Later on, they accepted the neutral view that external accounts are not under their control: https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg18422.html as Ciro had previously hinted, without however clarifying if they would be allowed. Ciro Santilli claims that he removed the comments himself from Jason's blog on 2020-10-08, Jason did not delete them: https://archive.vn/fSD0L
2020-09-24 http://sap.blackducksoftware.com/api/components/7473f236-40df-421e-9980-fe535fe6a3b8 I wonder if
means its SAP related, or just a generic login mechanism. Likely the latter. -
2020-09-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWQNFTHkV-I comment by "Jesus Kristus" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQs_rI3Di4CMlUszaJNeH2g "I was ordered by the Chinese government to inform you that the democratic party of China isn't amused with your online behavior. If this continues we will send our special forces, be warned."
2020-09-16 https://twitter.com/bullinacave/status/1306263640379723777 g9px1oh1Iu and same user made several other idential posts in reply to some news Tweets. Content: "bullshit, we all "have" covid, it's a plot to ensnare everyone into taking the killer vaccine., CCP China wants to suck you off.. | Which mask will I wear smoke or mirrors? "Are my symptoms related to COVID-19, or the wildfire smoke?" Censored on Tik-tok"
2020-07-05 https://twitter.com/cirosantilli2/status/1279334654546530305 U7DiBjQqMj
2020-05-14 https://twitter.com/JamesChen2020/status/1272111121885847552 j2SCpPCYR8
2020-05-27 https://redmine.hybrid-technologies.co.jp/ A Japanese software contractor company: https://hybrid-technologies.co.jp/ Another hit 2021-03-16.
2020-03-17 https://www.facebook.com/csuser.hsu.1/posts/121625946104327 "有心人整理的好東西 小粉紅們不要看喔" by "Tiger Winnie", a friend from Taiwan most likely by the name
2019-12-07 https://twitter.com/kumar_abhirup/status/1203202728341594112 https://t.co/4ivw9m9ZJZ "MOST DANGEROUS GITHUB PROFILE YOU WILL EVER GET TO SEE IN YOUR LIFE**". Ciro really liked the sound of that.
- 2020-08-11 @CiroSantilli郝海东冠状病六四事件法轮功 给爷爬
- https://web.archive.org/web/20200811154723/https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6004073/how-can-i-create-directories-recursively?noredirect=1
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/8473101/harbor
- https://github.com/HarborZeng based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55354612/how-to-turn-a-tf-tensor-to-some-form-that-keras-can-fit
- https://tellyouwhat.cn/ based on GitHub
- https://www.zhihu.com/question/374862353/answer/1040936766
- https://blog.csdn.net/u010098889 contains picture
- youtube channel with more high res pics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm2-IPm7trVHAfJ6TDvRniw
- 2020-04-20 https://twitter.com/AdamWon35730872/status/1255670263150194689 Ybbj8S08y http://web.archive.org/save/https://twitter.com/AdamWon35730872/status/1255670263150194689 Adam Wong In reply to "Today I have become the Stack Overflow user with the most Necromancer badges"
- 2018-11
- https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/21803133
- "To @Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心 六四事件 法轮功 : Fuck You,Son of Bitch,去你大爷的,婊子养的"
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/10250662/tacey-wong
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/tacey-wong-82b53487/?originalSubdomain=cn
- https://www.facebook.com/xinyong.w
- https://github.com/TaceyWong
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- older