Specified on Laplacian Operator.
Suppose the interest region is a square only.
Variable Name | Definition | Type |
L | Width of the interest region. | double |
U | Approximate solution of size N x N. | double*, 1-D array address |
F | Discretize source function to size N x N. | double*, 1-D array address |
D | Residual of size N x N. | double*, 1-D array address |
- Compile directly
Remember to change SM Version for the GPU.
g++ -fopenmp -o MG_CPU MG_solver_CPU.cpp linkedlist.cpp
nvcc -arch=compute_52 -code=sm_52 -O3 --compiler-options -fopenmp -o MG_GPU MG_solver_GPU.cu linkedlist.cpp
- Using
to your GPU version.
Clean up.
make clean
(Interest region length L) (min_x) (min_y)
(con_step) (con_N)
(N_max) (N_min)
(node option if needed)
(node option if needed)
(node option if needed)
Input Parameter | Description |
Interest region length L | Length of the square region. |
min_x, min_y | The lower left point of the region. |
con_step | Operations |
-1 | Use trigger that depends when to go to next level. |
0 | Assign smoothing steps in each level manually. |
INT | Do smoothing for this many steps at any level. |
con_N | Operations |
0 | Assign grid size N at each level manually, and input minimum N = 1. |
1 | Grid size N goes to N/2 at next level, should input minimum N. |
2 | Grid size N goes to N-1 at next level, should input minimum N. |
- N_max, N_min
Input Parameter | Description |
N_max | Initialize grid size, or maximum grid size for auto generate N. |
N_min | Minimum grid size. |
- node
node | Operations |
-1 | Smoothing and then do restriction. |
0 | Use the exact solver. |
1 | Do prolongation and the smoothing. |
2 | End of the file, break the loop. |
Node Option | con_N = 0: Input Manually |
con_N = 1: N = N / 2 |
con_N = 2: N = N - 1 |
con_step = -1: Error Trigger |
next_N | (ignore) | (ignore) |
con_step = 0: Input Manually |
step next_N | step | step |
con_step = INT: Steps |
next_N | (ignore) | (ignore) |
./MG_CPU N_THREADS_OMP file_name
Input Parameter | Description |
N_THREADS_OMP | Number of OpenMP threads. |
file_name | Cycle Structure file. |
for i in cycle:
if(cycle[i] == -1): doRestriction
if(cycle[i] == 0): doExactSolver
if(cycle[i] == 1): doProlongation
All of the grids are stored as 1D array, with size N x N, including the boundary.
- void getSource: Get the discretize form of the source function of size N x N. Change made inside
double *F
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Source f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- x minimum range:
double min_x
- y minimum range:
double min_y
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- void getBoundary: Get the discretize form of the boundary of size N x N, only the boundary are setted, the others are 0.
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Boundary [1D-array address]:
double *F
- x minimum range:
double min_x
- y minimum range:
double min_y
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- void getResidual: Get the residual d = Lu - f
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Approximate solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Source f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Residual d [1D-array address]:
dobule *D
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- void doGridAddition: Add two Grids together
U1 + U2
, and store the result insidedouble *U1
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Grid 1 [1D-array address]:
double *U1
- Grid 2 [1D-array address]:
double *U2
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- void doSmoothing: Change made inside
double *U
, and save the error from the latest smoothing indouble *error
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Approximate solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Source f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Steps:
int step
- Error:
double *error
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- void doExactSolver: Change made inside
double *U
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Approximation solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Souce f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Target error:
double target_error
- Solver options:
int option
option == 0
: use Inverse Matrixoption == 1
: use Gauss-Seidel, with even/odd method.
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- void InverseMatrix: Calculate the Inverse Matrix of the current discretized Laplacian, and do the multiplication to get the answer
double *U
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest region length L:
double Length
- Exact solution [1D-array address]:
double *X
- Source Term f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- Parallel with OpenMP later, since the performance is generally same as Gauss-Seidel, and it is hard to parallelize.
- void GaussSeidel: Change made inside exact solution
double *U
. Relax till it reaches the target error.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Exact solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Source Term [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Target error:
double target_error
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- void doRestriction: Change made inside
double *U_c
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- To be restrict [1D-array address]:
double *U_f
- Grid size:
int M
- After restriction[1D-array address]:
double *U_c
- Grid size:
- Restriction is specific on residual, and since we only don't do relaxation on the boundary, so the boundary of restriction target grid is always "0".
- Input Variable:
- void doProlongation: Change made inside
double *U_f
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- To be prolongate [1D-array address]:
double *U_c
- Grid size:
int M
- After prolongation [1D-array address]:
double *U_f
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- void doPrint: Print out the grid on screen, with the normal x-y coordinate.
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- To be printed [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- void doPrint2File: Print in file, with normal x-y coordinate.
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- To be printed [1D-array address]:
double *U
- output file name:
char *filename
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
All of the grids are stored as 1D array, with size N x N, including the boundary.
Since the GPU is specialized in doing single precision computation, all the subroutine function of calling GPU kernal are using single precision
. After calling GPU kernel, typecasting back to double precision
Originally, I use double precision
for doExactSolver_GPU
, but it turns out that it's tooooo slow.
void getSource_GPU: Get the discretize form of the source function of size N x N. Change made inside
double *F
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Source f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- x minimum range:
double min_x
- y minimum range:
double min_y
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_Source_GPU: Get the discretize form of the source function of size N x N. Change made inside
float *F
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- delta x:
float h
- Source f [1D-array address]:
float *F
- x minimum range:
float min_x
- y minimum range:
float min_y
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
void getResidual_GPU: Get the residual d = Lu - f
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Approximate solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Source f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Residual d [1D-array address]:
dobule *D
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_Residual_GPU: Get the residual d = Lu - f, changes made inside
float D
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- delta x:
float h
- Residual d [1D-array address]:
float *D
- Grid size:
- Bind
float *U
andfloat *F
to texture memory, so need to pass the variable to the kernel.
- Bind
- Input Variable:
void doGridAddition_GPU: Add two Grids together
U1 + U2
, and store the result insidedouble *U1
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Grid 1 [1D-array address]:
double *U1
- Grid 2 [1D-array address]:
double *U2
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_GridAddition_GPU: Add two Grids together
U1 + U2
, and store the result insidefloat *U1
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Grid 1 [1D-array address]:
float *U1
- Grid size:
- Bind
float *U2
to texture memory, so need to pass the variable to the kernel.
- Bind
- Input Variable:
void doSmoothing_GPU: Change made inside
double *U
, and save the error from the latest smoothing indouble *error
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Approximate solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Source f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Steps:
int step
- Error:
double *error
- Grid size:
- Using parallel reduction, so
threadsPerBlock = pow(2,m)
, andthreadsPerBlock * blocksPerGrid <= N*N
. - The function sets the range of the block size is 2^0 ~ 2^10, and grid size is 10^0 ~ 10^5.
- The selecting
method here assumes that the greater thethreadsPerBlock * blocksPerGrid
is, the faster it is. - The error is defined as Sum( | Lu - f | ) / (N * N) = Sum( | U - U0 | ) * 4 / ((h * h) * (N * N)).
- Using parallel reduction, so
- TODOs if have time:
- Improve the performance with sync with all threads within a grid Cooperative Kernel, so that we can save some time on calculating unwanted errors during the iterations.
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_Smoothing_GPU: Change made inside
float *U
orfloat *U0
, and save the error from the latest smoothing infloat *err
. Using Jacobi Method, without even / odd method.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- delta x:
float h
- Approximate solution [1D-array address]:
float *U
- U_old [1D-array addreses]:
float *U0
- Current numbers of iterations:
int iter
- Error array [1D-array address]:
float *err
- Grid size:
- Bind
float *F
to texture memory. - Changes made after
steps- If
is odd : getd_U
- If
is even : getd_U0
- If
- Bind
- Input Variable:
- void doExactSolver_GPU: Change made inside
double *U
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Approximation solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Souce f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Target error:
double target_error
- Solver options:
int option
option == 0
: blankoption == 1
: use Gauss-Seidel, with even/odd method, GPU kernel indouble precision
.option == 2
: use Gauss-Seidel, with even/odd method, GPU kernel insingle precision
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
Double Precision
void GaussSeidel_GPU_Double: Change made inside exact solution
double *U
. Relax till it reaches the target error.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Exact solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Source Term [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Target error:
double target_error
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_GaussSeideleven_GPU_Double: Change made inside
double *U
, update even index only.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- delta x:
double h
- Approximation solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Souce f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_GaussSeidelodd_GPU_Double: Change made inside
double *U
, update odd index only.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- delta x:
double h
- Approximation solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Souce f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_Error_GPU_Double: Get the error of U, define as Sum( | Lu - F | ) / (N * N).
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- delta x:
double h
- Approximation solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Souce f [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Error array [1D-array address]:
double *err
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
Single Precision
void GaussSeidel_GPU_Single: Change made inside exact solution
double *U
. Relax till it reaches the target error.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- Interest Region length L:
double L
- Exact solution [1D-array address]:
double *U
- Source Term [1D-array address]:
double *F
- Target error:
double target_error
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_GaussSeideleven_GPU_Single: Change made inside
float *U
, update even index only.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- delta x:
float h
- Approximation solution [1D-array address]:
float *U
- Souce f [1D-array address]:
float *F
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_GaussSeidelodd_GPU_Single: Change made inside
float *U
, update odd index only.- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- delta x:
float h
- Approximation solution [1D-array address]:
float *U
- Souce f [1D-array address]:
float *F
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_Error_GPU_Single: Get the error of U, define as Sum( | Lu - F | ) / (N * N).
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- delta x:
float h
- Approximation solution [1D-array address]:
float *U
- Souce f [1D-array address]:
float *F
- Error array [1D-array address]:
float *err
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
- Write two kernel, one deals with even index, the other deals with odd index, so that we can make sure that updates on even/odd are all done.
TODOs if have time:
- Try using sync with all threads within a grid Cooperative Kernel, which means forge two kernels together.
void doRestriction: Change made inside
double *U_c
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- To be restrict [1D-array address]:
double *U_f
- Grid size:
int M
- After restriction[1D-array address]:
double *U_c
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
void doProlongation: Change made inside
double *U_f
- Input Variable:
- Grid size:
int N
- To be prolongate [1D-array address]:
double *U_c
- Grid size:
int M
- After prolongation [1D-array address]:
double *U_f
- Grid size:
- Input Variable:
__global__ void ker_Zoom_GPU: Zoom in/out from grid size
int N
to grid sizeint M
. The final result is insidefloat *U_m
.- Input Variable:
- Grid size before zooming:
int N
- Spacing between points before zooming:
float h_n
- Grid size after zooming:
int M
- Spacing between points after zooming:
float h_m
- Result of the grid:
float *U_m
- Grid size before zooming:
- The grid before zooming is binded to the texture memory, so no need to pass in the pointer to the kernel.
- Input Variable:
- Restriction is specific on residual, and since we only don't do relaxation on the boundary, so the boundary of restriction target grid is always "0".
- The boundary of prolongation target grid is "0".