pytest-html is a plugin for pytest that generates a HTML report for the test results.
You will need the following prerequisites in order to use pytest-html:
- Python 2.7, 3.6, PyPy, or PyPy3
To install pytest-html:
$ pip install pytest-html
Then run your tests with:
$ pytest --html=report.html
Note that ANSI code support depends on the ansi2html package. Due to the use of a less permissive license, this package is not included as a dependency. If you have this package installed, then ANSI codes will be converted to HTML in your report.
In order to respect the Content Security Policy (CSP), several assets such as CSS and images are stored separately by default. You can alternatively create a self-contained report, which can be more convenient when sharing your results. This can be done in the following way:
$ pytest --html=report.html --self-contained-html
Images added as files or links are going to be linked as external resources, meaning that the standalone report HTML-file may not display these images as expected.
The plugin will issue a warning when adding files or links to the standalone report.
Custom CSS (Cascasding Style Sheets) can be passed on the command line using
the --css
option. These will be applied in the order specified, and can
be used to change the appearance of the report.
$ pytest --html=report.html --css=highcontrast.css --css=accessible.css
The Environment section is provided by the pytest-metadata, plugin, and can be accessed
via the pytest_configure
def pytest_configure(config):
config._metadata['foo'] = 'bar'
The generated table will be sorted alphabetically unless the metadata is a
You can edit the Summary section by using the pytest_html_results_summary
import pytest
from py.xml import html
def pytest_html_results_summary(prefix, summary, postfix):
prefix.extend([html.p("foo: bar")])
You can add details to the HTML reports by creating an 'extra' list on the report object. Here are the types of extra content that can be added:
Type | Example |
Raw HTML | extra.html('<div>Additional HTML</div>') |
JSON | extra.json({'name': 'pytest'}) |
Plain text | extra.text('Add some simple Text') |
URL | extra.url('') |
Image | extra.image(image, mime_type='image/gif', extension='gif') |
Image | extra.image('/path/to/file.png') |
Image | extra.image('http://some_image.png') |
Note: When adding an image from file, the path can be either absolute or relative.
Note: When using --self-contained-html
, images added as files or links
may not work as expected, see section Creating a self-contained report for
more info.
There are also convenient types for several image formats:
Image format | Example |
PNG | extra.png(image) |
JPEG | extra.jpg(image) |
SVG | extra.svg(image) |
The following example adds the various types of extras using a
hook, which can be implemented in a plugin or file:
import pytest
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
pytest_html = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('html')
outcome = yield
report = outcome.get_result()
extra = getattr(report, 'extra', [])
if report.when == 'call':
# always add url to report
xfail = hasattr(report, 'wasxfail')
if (report.skipped and xfail) or (report.failed and not xfail):
# only add additional html on failure
extra.append(pytest_html.extras.html('<div>Additional HTML</div>'))
report.extra = extra
You can also specify the name
argument for all types other than html
which will change the title of the
created hyper link:
extra.append(pytest_html.extras.text('some string', name='Different title'))
You can modify the columns by implementing custom hooks for the header and
rows. The following example
adds a description column with
the test function docstring, adds a sortable time column, and removes the links
from datetime import datetime
from py.xml import html
import pytest
def pytest_html_results_table_header(cells):
cells.insert(1,'Time', class_='sortable time', col='time'))
def pytest_html_results_table_row(report, cells):
cells.insert(1,, class_='col-time'))
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
outcome = yield
report = outcome.get_result()
report.description = str(item.function.__doc__)
You can also remove results by implementing the
hook and removing all cells. The
following example removes all passed results from the report:
import pytest
def pytest_html_results_table_row(report, cells):
if report.passed:
del cells[:]
The log output and additional HTML can be modified by implementing the
hook. The following example replaces all
additional HTML and log output with a notice that the log is empty:
import pytest
def pytest_html_results_table_html(report, data):
if report.passed:
del data[:]
data.append(html.div('No log output captured.', class_='empty log'))
By default, all rows in the Results table will be expanded except those that have Passed
This behavior can be customized with a query parameter: ?collapsed=Passed,XFailed,Skipped

Fork the repository and submit PRs with bug fixes and enhancements, contributions are very welcome.
Tests can be run locally with tox, for example to execute tests for Python 2.7 and 3.6 execute:
tox -e py27,py36
Follow these steps to release a new version of the project:
- Update your local master with the upstream master (
git pull --rebase upstream master
) - Create a new branch and update
with the new version, today's date, and all changes/new features - Commit and push the new branch and then create a new pull request
- Wait for tests and reviews and then merge the branch
- Once merged, update your local master again (
git pull --rebase upstream master
) - Tag the release with the new release version (
git tag v<new tag>
) - Push the tag (
git push upstream --tags
) - Done. You can monitor the progress on Travis