#RxJS + React/Flux Libraries #####A collection of RxJS + React and/or Flux libs, examples, and other resources. Feel free to update it with the lib or resources of your choice.
#####For all those who want to chat about RxJS + React/Flux we have a room for that!
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
##RxJS Flux (Core Libs)
##RxJS and React (Core Libs)
- cycle-react [MVI]
##Flux based RxJS Libraries (Support/Add-on Libs)
##React based RxJS libraries (Support/Add-on Libs)
- rx-react
- React-RxJS
- react-rx-component
- rx-todomvc
- RxReact
- sails-rx-react-js
- react-rx-flux
- reactive-sandbox
- rxjs-react
- react-rxjs-reactive
- react-rx
- ReactiveSystem
- rx-react-example
- rxfy-react
- ReactiveProgrammingRx
- BootstrapReactRequireRx
- pdx-react-observables
- thundercats-react
##Resources (demos, kits, and articles)
- Flux By Rx
- chat-fluxthis-rxjs-firebase
- hn-react-rxjs
- koa-react-router-rxjs-example
- react-rxjs-scroll
- react-rxjs-flow
- rx-todo
- react-rxjs-angular-di-todomvc
- TodoMVC implementation with React and RxJS
- rxjs-react-sandbox
- React-RxJs-testing
- rx-react-example
- reactjs-rxjs-example
- rx-react-pinch
###Starter Kits
###Books and Docs
- Functional Reactive Programming FRP(https://github.com/mech/Notes/blob/b04951aad3a02991ff6e68f90555b6af12ce4445/JavaScript/React/FRP.md)
- The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
- Combining Flux and FRP: Hello ffux!
- Coding with React like a Game Developer
- Functional Reactive React.js
- Functional Reactive Interfaces