Basic demo of an automated test against the google search page
This is intended to be a reference implementation of the page-object Ruby gem by Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan.
To use this:
- Install Firefox and geckodriver. (For other browsers, see env.rb)
- Do 'bundle install' and/or 'bundle update' to get all the gems you need
- From the directory at /Google-Watir-Test/Google-Watir-Test do "bundle exec cucumber features/" to run all the tests
Cucumber is the test runner. The Cucumber Scenarios are in the file in features/google_search.feature
The code that executes the tests are in the files under features/step_definitions. Note that there are no element locators whatsoever in the steps files. All the descriptions of the page elements in the executable steps code are purely abstract. Also note that the contents of the steps are essentially verbs: click(), send_keys(), expect(). The use of "expect" here is how we invoke RSpec, Ruby's very powerful assertion library.
The executable code hits the page itself in features/support/pages. This is the essence of the Page Object design pattern. We define each element one time per page, then update our locators for our pages as necessary. The executable code in the steps files rarely changes. The elements are specified using watir.
A successful run of the tests should look like this:
Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 3.07.34 PM.png
$ bundle exec cucumber features/ Feature: Basic google search
Background: # features/google_search.feature:3 Given I navigate to Google Search page # features/step_definitions/navigation_steps.rb:1
Scenario: Normal Search # features/google_search.feature:6 When I search for "Chris McMahon" # features/step_definitions/google_search_steps.rb:1 Then I should see "Chris McMahon" in the results # features/step_definitions/google_search_steps.rb:10
Scenario: Failed Search # features/google_search.feature:10 When I search for "sdlfjlasjsd;flhadf" # features/step_definitions/google_search_steps.rb:1 Then I should see no results # features/step_definitions/google_search_steps.rb:14