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This package provides C++ Protobuf3-RPC support.
Go version: https://github.com/chai2010/protorpc
Talks: Go/C++语言Protobuf-RPC简介
- Install CMake and MSVC(Windows) or MinGW(Windows) or gcc(Unix)
- cd
and build with cmake
C++ use the same protocol as Go, so we can communication with C++ and Go with Protobuf-RPC
Here is a simple protorpc/examples/service.pb/echo.proto file:
syntax = "proto3";
package service;
option cc_generic_services = false;
message EchoRequest {
string msg = 1;
message EchoResponse {
string msg = 1;
service EchoService {
rpc Echo (EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse);
rpc EchoTwice (EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse);
For C++, must set cc_generic_services
to false
Then use protoc
and protoc-gen-protorpc
plugin to generate echo.protorpc.h and echo.protorpc.cc file:
protoc3 --protorpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-protorpc=../../bin/protoc-gen-protorpc.exe echo.proto
The server calls (for TCP service):
#include "./service.pb/echo.protorpc.h"
class EchoService: public service::EchoService {
inline EchoService() {}
virtual ~EchoService() {}
virtual const google::protobuf::rpc::Error Echo(
const service::EchoRequest* request,
service::EchoResponse* response
) {
return google::protobuf::rpc::Error::Nil();
int main() {
::protorpc::Server server;
server.AddService(new EchoService, true);
At this point, clients can see a service EchoService
with methods EchoService.Echo
. To invoke one, a client first dials the server:
#include "./service.pb/echo.protorpc.h"
int main() {
::protorpc::Client client("", 1234);
service::EchoService::Stub echoStub(&client);
::service::EchoRequest echoArgs;
::service::EchoResponse echoReply;
::protorpc::Error err;
// EchoService.Echo
echoArgs.set_msg("Hello Protobuf-RPC!");
err = echoStub.Echo(&echoArgs, &echoReply);
if(!err.IsNil()) {
fprintf(stderr, "echoStub.Echo: %s\n", err.String().c_str());
return -1;
if(echoReply.msg() != echoArgs.msg()) {
fprintf(stderr, "echoStub.Echo: expected = \"%s\", got = \"%s\"\n",
echoArgs.msg().c_str(), echoReply.msg().c_str()
return -1;
// EchoService.Echo: Use Client
echoArgs.set_msg("Hello Protobuf-RPC!");
err = client.CallMethod("EchoService.Echo", &echoArgs, &echoReply);
if(!err.IsNil()) {
fprintf(stderr, "EchoService.Echo: %s\n", err.String().c_str());
return -1;
if(echoReply.msg() != echoArgs.msg()) {
fprintf(stderr, "EchoService.Echo: expected = \"%s\", got = \"%s\"\n",
echoArgs.msg().c_str(), echoReply.msg().c_str()
return -1;
return 0;
Please report bugs to [email protected].